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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 

19/04/2023  Class 4  Happy Valley  Turf  C  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 060 - 041   Section Time: (23.66)  (22.96)  (23.15)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 1 HIGH RISE SOLDIER C Y Ho K W Lui 5 133 58 HD 1:09:77 6.9 6 -5 -1 24.14  22.84  22.79 
(11.15 11.69) (11.30 11.49)
2 4 TRAVEL GOLF S De Sousa C H Yip 9 129 54 HD 1:09:80 16 11 -11 -2 24.66  23.00  22.14 
(11.27 11.73) (11.02 11.12)
3 10 SURE JOYFUL R Maia P F Yiu 7 119 43 1/2 1:09:85 14 8 -7 -3 24.34  22.92  22.59 
(11.15 11.77) (11.26 11.33)
4 9 GLORY BO BO Z Purton C S Shum 1 122 47 3/4 1:09:89 2.2 5 -6 -4 23.98  23.00  22.91 
(11.23 11.77) (11.38 11.53)
5 2 AWESOME TREASURE H Bowman D A Hayes 6 132 57 1-3/4 1:10:06 15 4 -4 -5 23.94  22.88  23.24 
(11.11 11.77) (11.46 11.78)
6 7 GOLDEN LUCK M F Poon K L Man 11 123 50 2 1:10:08 30 3 -2 -6 23.78  22.84  23.46 
(10.99 11.85) (11.54 11.92)
7 5 CHEER FOR SOUTH K Teetan F C Lor 12 125 50 2-3/4 1:10:19 51 1 -1 -7 23.66  22.96  23.57 
(11.07 11.89) (11.54 12.03)
8 11 VAMOS A Badel D J Hall 8 118 43 3 1:10:23 9.7 10 -9 -8 24.46  23.00  22.77 
(11.27 11.73) (11.18 11.59)
9 8 PLENTIFUL A Hamelin P C Ng 4 123 48 4-3/4 1:10:51 64 2 -3 -9 23.78  23.04  23.69 
(11.15 11.89) (11.54 12.15)
10 3 SPEEDY SMARTIE C L Chau T P Yung 3 130 57 7 1:10:89 8.9 7 -8 -10 24.22  23.12  23.55 
(11.19 11.93) (11.50 12.05)
11 6 EQUILIBRIUM TURBO L Hewitson R Gibson 2 125 50 9-1/4 1:11:26 9.7 9 -10 -11 24.34  23.20  23.72 
(11.35 11.85) (11.34 12.38)
12 12 JIANGXI STAMINA M Chadwick W Y So 10 116 41 25-3/4 1:13:89 34 12 -12 -12 25.98  23.76  24.15 
(11.75 12.01) (11.74 12.41)

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
Whilst being transported to Happy Valley, EQUILIBRIUM TURBO became fractious and sustained minor abrasions to its left front leg. EQUILIBRIUM TURBO was examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race. As the start was effected, JIANGXI STAMINA (M Chadwick) lowered its head to the left and as a result was slow to begin. M Chadwick stated that after this his mount failed to travel at any stage of the event and subsequently finished tailed out. A veterinary inspection of JIANGXI STAMINA immediately following the race found that horse to be a "roarer” which had previously been reported. The performance of JIANGXI STAMINA was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, JIANGXI STAMINA will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. EQUILIBRIUM TURBO was slow to begin and then was hampered when crowded between GLORY BO BO and SPEEDY SMARTIE, both of which shifted ground. VAMOS jumped only fairly and then from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. From a wide barrier, TRAVEL GOLF was also shifted across behind runners in the early stages. When being shifted across behind runners near the 1100 Metres, TRAVEL GOLF got its head up when positioned close to the heels of SURE JOYFUL. Approaching the 1000 Metres, SPEEDY SMARTIE, which was racing keenly, shifted out when being steadied to allow PLENTIFUL to cross and in doing so became awkwardly placed on the heels of PLENTIFUL and was steadied. In this incident, when SPEEDY SMARTIE shifted out, HIGH RISE SOLDIER, which was racing to the outside of SPEEDY SMARTIE, then became awkwardly placed behind AWESOME TREASURE, resulting in SURE JOYFUL being steadied away from HIGH RISE SOLDIER. SPEEDY SMARTIE then continued to race keenly throughout the middle stages and near the 700 Metres ran in when racing greenly and positioned close to the heels of AWESOME TREASURE, resulting in EQUILIBRIUM TURBO having to be checked. The racing manners of SPEEDY SMARTIE were considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, SPEEDY SMARTIE will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial around a bend amongst other runners in Hong Kong. When EQUILIBRIUM TURBO was checked near the 700 Metres, it shifted out and hampered VAMOS. After the 300 Metres, PLENTIFUL lay in behind CHEER FOR SOUTH and as a result was held up for a short distance behind CHEER FOR SOUTH. PLENTIFUL continued to lay in in the Straight. Approaching the 250 Metres, GLORY BO BO became held up for a short distance behind GOLDEN LUCK before being shifted to that runner’s inside near the 200 Metres to obtain clear running. A veterinary inspection of SPEEDY SMARTIE and EQUILIBRIUM TURBO immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. GLORY BO BO, HIGH RISE SOLDIER and TRAVEL GOLF were sent for sampling.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user