As the start was effected, KING OF HEARTS stood flat-footed and lost a considerable amount of ground. As KING OF HEARTS had performed in a similar manner previously, the Stewards ruled that prior to being permitted to race again, the horse must undergo a series of satisfactory consecutive official barrier trials. MY WHISKY blundered at the start. Making the turn after the 700 Metres, THE PRINCE got its head on the side and hung out, resulting in MY WHISKY and JOYFUL LUCK being taken wider. SPECTACULAR AWARD got its head on the side and lay out rounding the Home Turn. KING OF THE DAY, CHEETAH BOY and FLYING SMART were sent for sampling.
+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating - Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track - Placed in wet track - Won in Soft or Heavy Track - Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change - Work Hardly - Only available for Professional Plan user