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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 

05/06/2024  Class 4  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD TO YIELDING  (2.72)   Rating: 059 - 044   Section Time: (23.45)  (22.86)  (24.89)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 6 ERNEST FEELING B Thompson J Richards 9 127 51 1-1/4 1:11:20 31 8 -8 -1 24.05  23.02  24.13 
(11.24 11.78) (12.05 12.08)
2 11 GOLDEN CHAMPION M F Poon C S Shum 2 118 44 1-1/4 1:11:38 66 6 -6 -2 23.85  23.02  24.51 
(11.16 11.86) (12.25 12.26)
3 9 COSMO NAVIGATOR A Hamelin C W Chang 3 122 46 1-1/4 1:11:40 4.9 5 -4 -3 23.69  22.98  24.73 
(11.08 11.90) (12.25 12.48)
4 10 FAIRY HORSE A Atzeni C Fownes 10 121 45 1-1/2 1:11:44 16 12 -11 -4 24.77  22.78  23.89 
(11.08 11.70) (11.93 11.96)
5 12 LAPRAS K Teetan W K Mo 7 120 44 3 1:11:67 23 7 -7 -5 23.93  23.10  24.64 
(11.16 11.94) (12.25 12.39)
6 2 CALIFORNIA CIBLE B Avdulla A S Cruz 8 134 58 3 1:11:69 6.4 9 -9 -6 24.29  22.94  24.46 
(11.12 11.82) (12.05 12.41)
7 3 EASY SNIP L Hewitson T P Yung 12 129 53 4-3/4 1:11:94 51 10 -10 -7 24.57  22.74  24.63 
(11.00 11.74) (12.09 12.54)
8 4 THE GREAT MASTER Y L Chung Y S Tsui 11 126 53 5 1:12:00 45 3 -2 -8 23.45  22.90  25.65 
(11.00 11.90) (12.57 13.08)
9 7 SO TREASURE L Ferraris M Newnham 1 127 51 6-3/4 1:12:29 3.2 4 -5 -9 23.69  23.14  25.46 
(11.12 12.02) (12.45 13.01)
10 8 SEA SAPPHIRE E C W Wong P C Ng 4 119 50 11 1:12:94 4.5 2 -3 -10 23.45  23.06  26.43 
(11.08 11.98) (12.77 13.66)
11 5 SMASHING EXPRESS H Bowman J Size 6 128 52 14-1/4 1:13:50 31 11 -12 -11 24.69  23.06  25.75 
(11.20 11.86) (12.49 13.26)
12 1 E UNIVERSE Z Purton K L Man 5 135 59 36 1:16:95 10 1 -1 -12 23.45  22.86  30.64 
(11.00 11.86) (13.25 17.39)

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
E UNIVERSE (H151): When questioned, Z Purton stated that his instructions were to lead on E UNIVERSE. He said when positioned to the outside of SEA SAPPHIRE in the early stages, he was obliged to continue to ride his mount along to cross SEA SAPPHIRE to comply with his instructions. He added as a result of the manner he was required to ride his mount in the early stages and under its top weight of 135 lbs and not appreciating the "Good to Yielding” track, E UNIVERSE gave ground in the Home Straight. Assistant Trainer W H Ip, representing Trainer K L Man who was not present at tonight’s meeting, confirmed that the stable’s preference was for E UNIVERSE to lead the event as the horse had performed best when ridden in this manner and agreed with the explanations provided by Jockey Purton in respect to the horse’s performance. Mr Man was subsequently contacted and confirmed that the stable preference was to lead the event, but Jockey Purton was required to make too much use of his mount to race in this position. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of E UNIVERSE, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, E UNIVERSE will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. again. CALIFORNIA CIBLE (E431): Between the 300 Metres and the 200 Metres had difficulty obtaining clear running. EASY SNIP (G211): From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. After the race, L Hewitson reported that his mount lay out during the event and finished the race off only fairly. THE GREAT MASTER (H457): No report. SMASHING EXPRESS (J252): Jumped only fairly. ERNEST FEELING (E209): Sent for sampling post-race. SO TREASURE (H351): After the 300 Metres was disappointed for clear running between GOLDEN CHAMPION and COSMO NAVIGATOR and then had some difficulty obtaining clear running until near the 200 Metres. In this incident, SO TREASURE shifted out and made contact with GOLDEN CHAMPION. After the race, L Ferraris reported that his mount did not appreciate racing to the inside of COSMO NAVIGATOR and although briefly held up in the early part of the Home Straight did not run on when placed under pressure. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Sent for sampling post-race. Noted to have lost its left hind plate after the race. SEA SAPPHIRE (H343): After the race, Apprentice E C W Wong reported that his saddle slipped back on jumping, placing him at some disadvantage during the running of the event. He added that SEA SAPPHIRE was not suited by the pace of the event being run inside of standard time in the early stages. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race which included an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of mucus in the horse’s trachea. COSMO NAVIGATOR (H156): No report. FAIRY HORSE (J144): Slow to begin. GOLDEN CHAMPION (H348): Bumped after the 300 Metres. Sent for sampling post-race. LAPRAS (H374): For some distance after the 500 Metres was held up for clear running behind SO TREASURE and near the 400 Metres was steadied to avoid that runner and was shifted to its inside to continue into clear running.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user