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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 

24/11/2010  Class 3  Happy Valley  Turf  C+3  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.7)   Rating: 080 - 060   Section Time: (23.41)  (22.95)  (23.91)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 3 ROMANTIC CITY Z Purton P F Yiu 1 131 77 1-3/4 1:10:27 1.7 1 -1 -1 23.41  22.95  23.91 
2 5 GLENEALY STAR Y T Cheng C H Yip 4 125 73 1-3/4 1:10:56 7.6 2 -2 -2 23.81  22.87  23.88 
3 2 SUPREME FAY FAY C Y Ho A T Millard 3 122 78 1-3/4 1:10:56 25 3 -3 -3 23.97  22.79  23.80 
4 1 FIRST IN COMMAND D Beadman J Moore 6 133 79 3 1:10:74 4.9 5 -4 -4 24.09  22.87  23.78 
5 12 WELL NOTED T H So S Woods 9 109 62 3 1:10:76 99 11 -11 -5 24.89  22.79  23.08 
6 6 SHOWTIME D Whyte J Size 5 122 68 3-1/2 1:10:84 11 8 -7 -6 24.33  22.91  23.60 
7 10 PAR EXCELLENCE W C Marwing D E Ferraris 8 120 66 3-3/4 1:10:85 31 10 -9 -7 24.61  22.79  23.45 
8 7 BEAUTIFUL DREAMER K C Leung K L Man 11 116 67 4-3/4 1:11:01 39 9 -10 -8 24.49  22.99  23.53 
9 9 MULTIBULLISH T Angland D Cruz 2 120 66 6-3/4 1:11:35 62 7 -6 -9 24.25  22.91  24.19 
10 8 MY WHISKY M L Yeung Y S Tsui 12 116 67 13-1/4 1:12:39 99 4 -5 -10 24.05  23.11  25.23 
11 4 ROCKET PROUD M Chadwick A S Cruz 10 126 74 20-1/2 1:13:54 40 12 -12 -11 25.45  24.15  23.94 
12 11 ETERNAL BEAUTY J Lloyd Y S Tsui 7 116 62 22-3/4 1:13:92 13 6 -8 -12 24.21  23.11  26.60 

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
WELL NOTED and FIRST IN COMMAND were difficult to load. Before being allowed to race again, WELL NOTED and FIRST IN COMMAND will both be required to perform satisfactorily in a stalls test. At the start, ETERNAL BEAUTY, PAR EXCELLENCE, WELL NOTED and ROCKET PROUD were all crowded for room between FIRST IN COMMAND and BEAUTIFUL DREAMER which got its head on the side and shifted in after being bumped by MY WHISKY. A veterinary inspection of ROCKET PROUD after the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of ROCKET PROUD, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, ROCKET PROUD will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in an official barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. Apprentice C Y Ho (SUPREME FAY FAY) reported after the race that his mount hung in and proved awkward to ride out in the Straight. When questioned regarding his riding of WELL NOTED in the Straight, Apprentice T H So stated that at the entrance to the Straight he directed his mount to the inside of PAR EXCELLENCE to save ground. He said he rode WELL NOTED out in the Straight with the whip in the backhand manner until after the 200 Metres at which time he shifted WELL NOTED out away from the fence as he was commencing to make ground and he wished to shift to the outside of SUPREME FAY FAY. He said after shifting WELL NOTED out, he resumed riding the horse with the whip in the backhand manner and WELL NOTED finished off the race very well. He said he did not use the whip in the forehand manner as he was of the belief that WELL NOTED was giving of its best when ridden out in this manner. Apprentice So was advised his riding in the Straight had come under notice and in future he would be expected to ride his mounts out with sufficient vigour so as to leave no room for query. When questioned, J Lloyd stated that it had been intended for ETERNAL BEAUTY to be ridden in the first four runners tonight. He said however after receiving interference shortly after the start, ETERNAL BEAUTY was obliged to race much further back in the field than had been anticipated. He said travelling along the Back Straight ETERNAL BEAUTY commenced to over-race badly and then in the Straight gave ground abruptly and finished tailed out. He said on pulling up ETERNAL BEAUTY made a significant abnormal breathing noise which he reported to the trainer immediately after the race. A veterinary inspection of ETERNAL BEAUTY after the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of ETERNAL BEAUTY, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, ETERNAL BEAUTY will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in an official barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. ROMANTIC CITY and GLENEALY STAR were sent for sampling.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user