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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11 

09/02/2025  Class 4  Shatin  Turf  C  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 060 - 042   Section Time: (23.91)  (22.28)  (23.33)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 7 SUPER LOVE K Teetan C H Yip 4 127 52 1/2 1:09:52 17 4 -4 -1 24.55  21.96  23.01 
(10.84 11.12) (11.04 11.97)
2 4 DREAMING WINNER C Y Ho F C Lor 2 127 52 1/2 1:09:61 17 8 -7 -2 25.15  21.84  22.62 
(10.76 11.08) (11.12 11.50)
3 3 AUTUMN VIBES Z Purton J Richards 3 127 52 1-1/4 1:09:73 1.9 9 -8 -3 25.39  21.68  22.66 
(10.72 10.96) (11.00 11.66)
4 1 GREAT STATE H Bowman W Y So 8 135 60 1-1/4 1:09:74 6.5 6 -5 -4 24.95  21.68  23.11 
(10.64 11.04) (11.04 12.07)
5 10 KA YING POWER C L Chau T P Yung 5 120 47 2-1/2 1:09:91 13 5 -6 -5 24.83  21.84  23.24 
(10.72 11.12) (11.24 12.00)
6 2 KA YING RESILIENCE M L Yeung D A Hayes 10 130 55 3-1/2 1:10:09 7.2 1 -1 -6 23.91  22.28  23.90 
(10.88 11.40) (11.28 12.62)
7 6 RAGING RAPIDS A Badel J Size 11 127 52 4-1/4 1:10:21 11 12 -12 -7 25.83  21.76  22.62 
(10.76 11.00) (10.92 11.70)
8 9 SOMETHING JONAH B Avdulla D J Hall 12 125 50 4-1/2 1:10:23 152 11 -11 -8 25.75  21.56  22.92 
(10.64 10.92) (10.96 11.96)
9 11 VIGOR ELLEEGANT E C W Wong K L Man 1 112 43 4-3/4 1:10:28 11 3 -3 -9 24.11  22.40  23.77 
(10.96 11.44) (11.24 12.53)
10 12 CASHISCASH B Thompson D J Whyte 7 117 42 5 1:10:31 48 2 -2 -10 24.03  22.32  23.96 
(10.80 11.52) (11.48 12.48)
11 5 IRON FIGHTER L Ferraris K H Ting 6 127 52 7-1/2 1:10:72 74 7 -9 -11 25.15  22.00  23.57 
(10.72 11.28) (11.40 12.17)
12 8 DRALA M Chadwick P F Yiu 9 125 50 7-3/4 1:10:75 172 10 -10 -12 25.43  21.88  23.44 
(10.64 11.24) (11.28 12.16)

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
GREAT STATE (J124): Jumped only fairly. Near the 600 Metres was bumped and taken wider by KA YING POWER which shifted out. KA YING RESILIENCE (J439): After the event, M L Yeung stated that his mount was able to lead but failed to respond to his riding in the Home Straight and he could offer no explanation for its performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. AUTUMN VIBES (K150): Just prior to the start being effected became fractious and as the starting gates opened reared and lost ground. As AUTUMN VIBES was placed 3rd and in accordance with the provisions of Rule 12(19), the Stewards were unable to consider as to whether AUTUMN VIBES should be declared a non-runner as Rule 12(19) states, "No horse which is declared first, second, third or fourth place in a race shall be so declared a non-runner”. The barrier manners of AUTUMN VIBES were considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, AUTUMN VIBES will be required to perform satisfactorily in a barrier trial. Sent for sampling post-race. DREAMING WINNER (K046): Sent for sampling post-race. IRON FIGHTER (J497): Noted to have lost its right front plate after the race. RAGING RAPIDS (J228): Slow to begin. Lay in in the early part of the Home Straight. After the 100 Metres when being ridden along shifted out, resulting in its rider A Badel having to stop riding and straighten near the 50 Metres. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SUPER LOVE (K118): Sent for sampling post-race. DRALA (J376): Jumped only fairly. SOMETHING JONAH (K024): From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. KA YING POWER (H169): Shifted out near the 600 Metres and was bumped. After improving to the outside of VIGOR ELLEEGANT near the 450 Metres was then steadied when crowded between GREAT STATE and VIGOR ELLEEGANT (Apprentice E C W Wong) which shifted out. Apprentice Wong was advised to exercise more care. Over the concluding stages could not be ridden out when racing tight between GREAT STATE and AUTUMN VIBES. VIGOR ELLEEGANT (J375): After being crossed by KA YING RESILIENCE near the 900 Metres raced keenly for some distance thereafter. After the event, Apprentice E C W Wong reported that his mount raced greenly during the race and finished the race off only fairly in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race which included an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse’s trachea and also found the horse to be a "roarer” which had previously been reported. Before being allowed to race again, VIGOR ELLEEGANT will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. CASHISCASH (J369): After the event, B Thompson stated that the instructions were to hold an on-pace position. He said in the early stages he elected to ride his mount forward to take up a position outside the lead to avoid being taken wider by VIGOR ELLEEGANT.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user