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16/02/2025  Class 4  Shatin  Turf  C+3  1200m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.71)   Rating: 060 - 043   Section Time: (23.64)  (22.30)  (22.83)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 11 KA YING WARRIOR M F Poon T P Yung 8 121 46 HD 1:08:77 13 3 -3 -1 23.80  22.34  22.63 
(11.08 11.26) (10.95 11.68)
2 2 TOP DRAGON H Bentley W Y So 3 129 54 HD 1:08:80 2.5 6 -5 -2 24.00  22.34  22.46 
(11.08 11.26) (10.83 11.63)
3 4 LASERBLANCA B Avdulla J Size 12 127 52 1 1:08:94 2.8 1 -1 -3 23.64  22.30  23.00 
(11.08 11.22) (11.07 11.93)
4 8 FORTUNE BOY K Teetan D A Hayes 11 125 50 2 1:09:08 37 12 -11 -4 24.84  21.82  22.42 
(10.92 10.90) (10.83 11.59)
5 3 BEAUTY MISSILE A Hamelin F C Lor 5 127 52 3 1:09:24 7.1 8 -9 -5 24.28  22.30  22.66 
(11.00 11.30) (10.91 11.75)
6 12 HAPPY FOR ALL A Atzeni J Richards 10 118 43 3-1/4 1:09:30 10 9 -8 -6 24.48  22.02  22.80 
(10.80 11.22) (11.11 11.69)
7 6 WROTE A NEW PAGE T Marquand C S Shum 4 127 52 3-1/2 1:09:35 61 11 -10 -7 24.60  22.02  22.73 
(10.88 11.14) (11.07 11.66)
8 9 ALWAYS MY FOLKS B Thompson C W Chang 1 124 49 3-3/4 1:09:36 17 4 -4 -8 23.88  22.30  23.18 
(11.08 11.22) (11.19 11.99)
9 7 EXCEED THE WISH L Ferraris M Newnham 6 125 50 5 1:09:56 98 7 -7 -9 24.28  22.14  23.14 
(10.96 11.18) (11.11 12.03)
10 5 TIME TO FIRE A Badel D J Hall 9 127 52 6-1/2 1:09:81 188 10 -12 -10 24.56  22.26  22.99 
(11.04 11.22) (11.15 11.84)
11 10 BINGO BABE H Doyle Y S Tsui 2 123 48 9-1/2 1:10:30 129 2 -2 -11 23.64  22.30  24.36 
(11.04 11.26) (11.39 12.97)
12 1 VICTOR THE RAPID H Bowman D J Whyte 7 134 59 10 1:10:37 37 5 -6 -12 23.96  22.42  23.99 
(11.08 11.34) (11.47 12.52)

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
VICTOR THE RAPID (J393): Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. TOP DRAGON (J481): Sent for sampling post-race. BEAUTY MISSILE (H123): Raced keenly in the middle stages. Held up for clear running for a short distance near the 400 Metres. LASERBLANCA (K242): No report. TIME TO FIRE (K117): Jumped only fairly. After the event, A Badel stated that his mount, which was having its first race start, hung out near the 800 Metres when positioned to the inside of HAPPY FOR ALL and as result was checked. The racing manners of TIME TO FIRE were considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, TIME TO FIRE will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial around a bend in Hong Kong. WROTE A NEW PAGE (K226): Jumped only fairly. EXCEED THE WISH (J480): Jumped awkwardly. FORTUNE BOY (K098): Jumped only fairly. ALWAYS MY FOLKS (J345): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. BINGO BABE (K115): No report. KA YING WARRIOR (H028): Sent for sampling post-race. HAPPY FOR ALL (H181): Jumped only fairly.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user