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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 

10/07/2024  Class 4  Happy Valley  Turf  B  1200m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.71)   Rating: 059 - 040   Section Time: (23.43)  (22.46)  (23.91)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 3 PRINCE OF PORTY H Bowman D J Hall 1 133 57 N 1:09:80 2.2 5 -3 -1 23.75  22.38  23.67 
(10.93 11.45) (11.99 11.68)
2 11 STRIVE FOR GLORY A Badel W Y So 2 117 41 N 1:09:85 29 7 -6 -2 24.03  22.38  23.44 
(11.05 11.33) (11.75 11.69)
3 5 CHARITY FOR ALL B Avdulla C S Shum 8 128 52 3-1/4 1:10:32 25 11 -10 -3 24.55  22.46  23.31 
(11.01 11.45) (11.55 11.76)
4 2 NEBRASKAN Z Purton J Size 11 134 58 3-3/4 1:10:38 7.8 2 -2 -4 23.59  22.34  24.45 
(10.77 11.57) (12.11 12.34)
5 4 LEAN MASTER H Bentley C H Yip 7 132 56 4-1/4 1:10:46 5.2 3 -4 -5 23.59  22.54  24.33 
(11.01 11.53) (11.99 12.34)
6 1 BULB EMPEROR A Atzeni P C Ng 6 135 59 4-3/4 1:10:57 21 6 -7 -6 23.95  22.62  24.00 
(11.05 11.57) (11.83 12.17)
7 8 GIMME FIVE K Teetan F C Lor 10 121 45 5-1/4 1:10:62 9.8 8 -8 -7 24.27  22.54  23.81 
(11.05 11.49) (11.71 12.10)
8 6 CAMP FIRE M Chadwick D J Whyte 4 126 50 5-3/4 1:10:71 16 9 -9 -8 24.39  22.50  23.82 
(11.05 11.45) (11.79 12.03)
9 12 LAPRAS K De Melo W K Mo 5 116 40 7 1:10:93 25 10 -11 -9 24.55  22.62  23.76 
(11.21 11.41) (11.63 12.13)
10 7 PERFECTO MOMENTS L Ferraris K H Ting 12 126 50 9-1/4 1:11:27 65 12 -12 -10 24.79  22.78  23.70 
(11.37 11.41) (11.63 12.07)
11 9 HAPPY HORSE Y L Chung K L Man 9 118 45 9-1/2 1:11:32 30 1 -1 -11 23.43  22.46  25.43 
(10.93 11.53) (12.31 13.12)
12 10 FANCY STAR B Thompson C Fownes 3 119 43 16-1/4 1:12:38 13 4 -5 -12 23.71  22.66  26.01 
(11.09 11.57) (12.19 13.82)

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
BULB EMPEROR (J241): Shortly after the start became unbalanced and made heavy contact with LAPRAS. NEBRASKAN (J304): The Stewards opened an inquiry into Z Purton’s riding of NEBRASKAN with particular emphasis placed on the vigour he applied on the horse in the Home Straight. Evidence was taken from Jockey Purton and Trainer J Size. Z Purton explained that his instructions were to ride his mount in a forward position and after riding NEBRASKAN along in the early stages, NEBRASKAN shifted ground in the Back Straight and making the turn after the 600 Metres lay out which required him to have to apply pressure to his right rein to correct his mount. He said on entering the Home Straight NEBRASKAN continued to shift ground which impacted upon his ability to apply full vigour to the horse in the Home Straight. He added that after making contact with PRINCE OF PORTY passing the 175 Metres and with LEAN MASTER near the 150 Metres, he was then concerned that NEBRASKAN would continue to shift ground and for this reason he did not apply full vigour to NEBRASKAN between the 150 Metres and the 50 Metres. He further stated that when he was satisfied that NEBRASKAN was properly balanced, he was able to ride NEBRASKAN out to the finish over the final 50 Metres. Mr Size confirmed the instructions were to hold a forward position. After considering the evidence, the inquiry was adjourned to a date and time to be fixed. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. PRINCE OF PORTY (H009): Near the 900 Metres shifted in and away from FANCY STAR and brushed the running rail. Between the 350 Metres and the 300 Metres was held up for clear running. Sent for sampling post-race. LEAN MASTER (H134): No report. CHARITY FOR ALL (H417): Knuckled over on jumping and from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. CAMP FIRE (J259): Shortly after the start was checked when crowded between FANCY STAR which shifted out and LAPRAS which was taken in by BULB EMPEROR when that runner shifted in and away from LEAN MASTER after making heavy contact with LEAN MASTER. After the 300 Metres lay in despite the efforts of its rider and had to be corrected for some distance thereafter. PERFECTO MOMENTS (J003): From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. GIMME FIVE (J099): On jumping shifted in and made contact with HAPPY HORSE, resulting in K Teetan becoming badly unbalanced and losing his right iron for some distance after the start. HAPPY HORSE (H061): Brushed a rail on entering the track, was examined by the Veterinary Officer at the Start and passed suitable to race. Noted to have lost its left front plate after the race. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. FANCY STAR (H428): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. STRIVE FOR GLORY (D186): Sent for sampling post-race. LAPRAS (H374): Shortly after the start was checked when crowded for room. Near the 250 Metres was steadied when disappointed for clear running to the inside of CAMP FIRE which lay in despite the efforts of its rider M Chadwick. After the race, K De Melo reported that his mount hung in when placed under pressure in the Home Straight.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user