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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 

18/09/2024  Class 4  Happy Valley  Turf  B  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 060 - 043   Section Time: (23.58)  (22.55)  (23.96)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 1 SWEET BRIAR L Hewitson K W Lui 4 135 60 1/2 1:10:09 5.2 5 -5 -1 24.18  22.79  23.12 
(11.25 11.54) (11.58 11.54)
2 8 SMART FIGHTER A Atzeni P F Yiu 9 119 44 1/2 1:10:18 15 4 -4 -2 23.90  22.87  23.41 
(11.25 11.62) (11.70 11.71)
3 9 TACTICAL COMMAND A Badel M Newnham 7 118 43 1-1/4 1:10:27 10 7 -7 -3 24.42  22.75  23.10 
(11.25 11.50) (11.58 11.52)
4 3 GALLANT VALOUR K Teetan J Richards 2 130 55 1-1/2 1:10:33 2.7 6 -6 -4 24.22  22.75  23.36 
(11.13 11.62) (11.70 11.66)
5 4 EN PERFECTO M F Poon C S Shum 6 125 52 2-3/4 1:10:53 80 9 -8 -5 24.78  22.39  23.36 
(10.93 11.46) (11.70 11.66)
6 5 SUNNY DARLING C Y Ho P C Ng 1 127 52 2-3/4 1:10:54 12 3 -3 -6 23.82  22.87  23.85 
(11.21 11.66) (11.78 12.07)
7 6 LUCKY PLANET M Chadwick D J Whyte 3 124 49 4-1/2 1:10:80 2.9 1 -1 -7 23.58  22.55  24.67 
(11.05 11.50) (12.18 12.49)
8 7 TRIPLE BLISS K C Leung F C Lor 5 122 47 9 1:11:53 86 8 -9 -8 24.66  22.91  23.96 
(11.25 11.66) (11.78 12.18)
9 2 E UNIVERSE E C W Wong W K Mo 8 127 59 9-1/4 1:11:55 22 2 -2 -9 23.70  22.95  24.90 
(11.25 11.70) (12.10 12.80)

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
SWEET BRIAR (H044): Sent for sampling post-race. E UNIVERSE (H151): No report. GALLANT VALOUR (H323): Sent for sampling post-race. EN PERFECTO (J409): Jumped only fairly and then shortly after the start was steadied when crowded by TACTICAL COMMAND which shifted in despite the efforts of its rider. SUNNY DARLING (J171): Near the 600 Metres was crowded by E UNIVERSE which lay in towards the rail before being corrected by its rider Apprentice E C W Wong. LUCKY PLANET (H235): When questioned, M Chadwick stated that his instructions were to hold a forward position and if circumstances permitted to ride LUCKY PLANET in a similar manner to when it won at Happy Valley on 10 July 2024. He said in the early stages after being able to cross E UNIVERSE, he then from the 700 Metres commenced to urge LUCKY PLANET forward as he had on 10 July 2024 to establish a break on the field. He added LUCKY PLANET did not respond to his efforts to do so and as a consequence he was obliged to make some use of his mount thereafter to comply with his instructions. He said in the Home Straight LUCKY PLANET lay in and shifted in towards the running rail before giving ground over the final 200 Metres. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of LUCKY PLANET, a last start winner, was considered to be disappointing as compared to its last start. Before being allowed to race again, LUCKY PLANET will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. TRIPLE BLISS (J310): Bumped on the hindquarters shortly after the start and became unbalanced. SMART FIGHTER (H278): Sent for sampling post-race. TACTICAL COMMAND (H197): No report.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user