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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

06/07/2024  Class 3  Shatin  Turf  C  1200m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.7)   Rating: 078 - 062   Section Time: (23.56)  (22.30)  (22.75)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 3 FULL CREDIT L Hewitson M Newnham 3 129 72 1/2 1:08:61 3.6 1 -1 -1 23.56  22.30  22.75 
(11.14 11.16) (11.02 11.73)
2 8 POLARIS M Chadwick K L Man 5 123 66 1/2 1:08:70 58 3 -3 -2 23.76  22.30  22.64 
(11.18 11.12) (10.98 11.66)
3 10 CAPTAIN WIN K Teetan P C Ng 8 121 64 3/4 1:08:76 16 8 -8 -3 24.32  22.10  22.34 
(11.06 11.04) (10.82 11.52)
4 6 MODULECONSTRUCTION C Y Ho K W Lui 9 125 68 1-1/2 1:08:87 9.6 5 -5 -4 23.84  22.38  22.65 
(11.18 11.20) (10.94 11.71)
4 9 STAR CLUB Z Purton D J Hall 1 123 66 1-1/2 1:08:87 3 9 -9 -4 24.40  22.06  22.41 
(11.06 11.00) (10.82 11.59)
6 5 LO PAN SPIRIT H Bentley K H Ting 7 125 68 2-3/4 1:09:05 3.7 2 -2 -6 23.68  22.30  23.07 
(11.18 11.12) (11.14 11.93)
7 7 TORONADO PHANTOM H Bowman J Size 12 125 68 4-1/2 1:09:33 39 12 -10 -7 24.84  21.78  22.71 
(10.82 10.96) (10.90 11.81)
8 4 GREAT STATE K De Melo W Y So 2 126 69 4-1/2 1:09:34 34 6 -6 -8 23.96  22.26  23.12 
(11.14 11.12) (11.02 12.10)
9 1 IMA SINGLE MAN Y L Chung A S Cruz 4 132 78 6-1/4 1:09:62 22 10 -11 -9 24.60  22.18  22.84 
(11.02 11.16) (10.98 11.86)
10 2 EIGHTY LIGHT YEARS L Ferraris T P Yung 11 133 76 6-1/2 1:09:66 36 4 -4 -10 23.80  22.30  23.56 
(11.18 11.12) (11.18 12.38)
11 12 YEAH BUDDY M L Yeung W K Mo 6 120 63 7 1:09:72 89 7 -7 -11 24.12  22.18  23.42 
(11.06 11.12) (11.14 12.28)
12 11 VICTOR THE RAPID A Atzeni D J Whyte 10 120 63 8-1/4 1:09:93 37 11 -12 -12 24.80  22.14  22.99 
(11.06 11.08) (11.06 11.93)

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
IMA SINGLE MAN (D476): Despite being ridden along in the early stages failed to show sufficient pace to hold a more forward position. After the race, Y L Chung stated that his mount failed to travel at any stage of the event and raced in a disappointing manner. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. EIGHTY LIGHT YEARS (H170): Bumped at the start. Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. FULL CREDIT (J185): Sent for sampling post-race. GREAT STATE (J124): When questioned regarding his riding in the Home Straight, K De Melo stated that after following POLARIS he shifted to that runner’s outside to commence to improve into the event. He said when a run did not fully develop between POLARIS and LO PAN SPIRIT, he then contemplated shifting to the outside of LO PAN SPIRIT near the 400 Metres to secure clear running. He said when MODULECONSTRUCTION was positioned to his outside and there was no run available, he then commenced to look to improve to the inside of LO PAN SPIRIT. He added approaching the 300 Metres when he attempted to obtain that run, STAR CLUB improved to his inside at which point he received a call from the rider of STAR CLUB, Jockey Z Purton. He said for this reason he was unable to fully commit to the run between LO PAN SPIRIT and POLARIS which resulted in GREAT STATE being held up behind LO PAN SPIRIT between the 300 Metres and the 200 Metres before GREAT STAGE finished the race off only fairly. The Stewards advised Jockey De Melo that in the circumstances he should have ridden his mount in a more decisive manner approaching the 300 Metres to ensure that he fully established a run between LO PAN SPIRIT and POLARIS sooner. LO PAN SPIRIT (J233): Bumped on the hindquarters on jumping and became unbalanced. MODULECONSTRUCTION (H127): No report. TORONADO PHANTOM (E300): Shifted in at the start and was bumped. From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. POLARIS (J404): Bumped on jumping and became unbalanced. Sent for sampling post-race. STAR CLUB (H239): Near the 200 Metres became held up for clear running behind POLARIS and as a result did not obtain clear running until after the 100 Metres where it shifted to the outside of that runner. Sent for sampling post-race. CAPTAIN WIN (E466): No report. VICTOR THE RAPID (J393): Shortly after the start was crowded between EIGHTY LIGHT YEARS and MODULECONSTRUCTION which shifted out slightly. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. YEAH BUDDY (J430): On jumping was checked when crowded between POLARIS which shifted out slightly and LO PAN SPIRIT which shifted in abruptly despite the efforts of its rider.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user