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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

06/07/2024  Griffins   Shatin  Turf  C  1200m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.7)   Rating:  -    Section Time: (23.50)  (22.80)  (23.35)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 4 SANTORINI K Teetan F C Lor 1 126 SH 1:09:65 4.4 3 -4 -1 23.70  22.88  23.07 
(11.39 11.49) (11.05 12.02)
2 1 KARATE EXPRESS L Hewitson K W Lui 4 128 SH 1:09:67 2.3 7 -7 -2 23.98  22.80  22.89 
(11.35 11.45) (11.01 11.88)
3 2 CALIFORNIA BANNER Y L Chung W K Mo 11 123 1/2 1:09:72 138 12 -11 -3 24.78  22.52  22.42 
(11.19 11.33) (10.89 11.53)
4 9 KA YING RESILIENCE Z Purton D A Hayes 10 121 1/2 1:09:75 3.4 1 -1 -4 23.50  22.80  23.45 
(11.35 11.45) (11.09 12.36)
5 10 PATCH OF COSMO L Ferraris K L Man 8 123 1-1/2 1:09:88 11 2 -2 -5 23.54  22.92  23.42 
(11.43 11.49) (11.21 12.21)
6 3 CALIFORNIA MOXIE B Avdulla A S Cruz 7 126 1-1/2 1:09:88 14 9 -8 -6 24.50  22.40  22.98 
(11.19 11.21) (11.01 11.97)
7 12 SUPREME WINNER A Badel C H Yip 3 121 3 1:10:13 139 11 -10 -7 24.66  22.52  22.95 
(11.15 11.37) (11.05 11.90)
8 7 CASHISCASH M Chadwick D J Whyte 6 121 4-1/2 1:10:36 44 6 -6 -8 23.94  22.80  23.62 
(11.39 11.41) (11.29 12.33)
9 6 ALWAYS MY FOLKS B Thompson C W Chang 5 121 4-3/4 1:10:41 30 4 -5 -9 23.74  22.92  23.75 
(11.43 11.49) (11.29 12.46)
10 8 GOOD PROSPECT K C Leung T P Yung 9 121 5 1:10:46 90 5 -3 -10 23.90  22.64  23.92 
(11.19 11.45) (11.37 12.55)
11 11 SMILING EMPEROR H Bentley K H Ting 2 121 5-3/4 1:10:56 46 8 -9 -11 24.30  22.72  23.54 
(11.27 11.45) (11.13 12.41)
12 5 SMART ZIPANG M L Yeung W Y So 12 126 6 1:10:60 166 10 -12 -12 24.62  22.68  23.30 
(11.23 11.45) (11.33 11.97)

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
KARATE EXPRESS (J306): Bumped on the hindquarters at the start. The Stewards deferred the declaration of weighed-in as they were of the view that an incident had occurred near the 200 Metres which cast doubt on whether SANTORINI (K Teetan) should be declared the winner of the race. Subsequently L Hewitson, the rider of KARATE EXPRESS, 2nd placegetter, lodged a protest/objection against SANTORINI being declared the winner alleging interference near the 200 Metres. After considering the evidence including the patrol films, the Stewards found that KARATE EXPRESS initially shifted out and away from SANTORINI and became awkwardly placed close to PATCH OF COSMO, but could not be comfortably satisfied that KARATE EXPRESS had established clear running between SANTORINI and PATCH OF COSMO near the 200 Metres. Whilst they were satisfied that SANTORINI had shifted out a short distance later and hampered KARATE EXPRESS, as they could not comfortably satisfied that KARATE EXPRESS had established clear running, the protest/objection was overruled and weighed-in was declared on the numbers semaphored by the judge. K Teetan was advised to exercise more care. L Hewitson pleaded guilty to a careless riding charge for causing interference over the concluding stages (see PATCH OF COSMO). Sent for sampling post-race. CALIFORNIA BANNER (J132): Jumped only fairly and then from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. CALIFORNIA MOXIE (J131): No report. SANTORINI (J076): Sent for sampling post-race. SMART ZIPANG (J165): From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. ALWAYS MY FOLKS (J345): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. CASHISCASH (J369): Near the 800 Metres commenced to race keenly and got its head up when being steadied away from ALWAYS MY FOLKS. GOOD PROSPECT (J406): Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. KA YING RESILIENCE (J439): When questioned, Z Purton stated that he was given no specific instructions due to the wide barrier that his mount commenced from. He said when KA YING RESILIENCE jumped well today, he elected to make use of his mount in the early stages to go forward. He said when caught wide he was obliged to continue to ride his mount forward to cross to the lead to avoid racing wide, but when being shifted in to cross to the lead near the 1000 Metres, his mount commenced to race keenly and got its head up for a short distance thereafter. He added KA YING RESILIENCE continued to race keenly throughout the middle stages. Trainer D A Hayes confirmed that he issued no specific instructions to Jockey Purton and that Jockey Purton was to ride the horse dependent upon how it commenced today. PATCH OF COSMO (J357): L Ferraris, who weighed in at 123 lbs, was fined the sum of $3,000 for returning to scale 2 lbs overweight. Near the 1150 Metres was bumped by GOOD PROSPECT which shifted in slightly, resulting in PATCH OF COSMO becoming unbalanced. L Hewitson (KARATE EXPRESS) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that over the concluding stages he allowed his mount to shift out when not clear of PATCH OF COSMO, resulting in PATCH OF COSMO being contacted by KARATE EXPRESS and being taken from its rightful running. Having regard to Jockey Hewitson holding confirmed riding engagements for the remainder of the season and in accordance with previous practices, he was fined the sum of $60,000 in lieu of a one-day suspension. In assessing penalty, the Stewards determined the carelessness grade 1 and the consequences grade 2 and also considered his good careless riding record. SMILING EMPEROR (J371): Jumped only fairly. When questioned regarding his riding in the Home Straight and as to whether there was an opportunity to shift to the outside to obtain clear running, H Bentley stated that after commencing to ride his mount along in the early part of the Home Straight, he elected to improve to the inside of CASHISCASH. He added when CASHISCASH shifted in near the 300 Metres, as he was committed to that runner’s inside, he was not able to shift to its outside to secure clear running. The Stewards found the tactics adopted by Jockey Bentley were reasonable in the circumstances. SUPREME WINNER (J255): Crowded shortly after the start between SMILING EMPEROR and KARATE EXPRESS which shifted in slightly. Noted to have lost its right front plate after the race.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user