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23/12/2023  Class 4 (R)  Shatin  Turf  C  1400m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 057 - 043   Section Time: (13.70)  (22.49)  (23.99)  (23.02)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 10 THE ABSOLUTE L Ferraris K H Ting 4 129 52 3/4 1:23:20 6.5 2 -3 -2 -1 13.74  22.61  24.03  22.82 
(12.32 11.71) (11.10 11.72)
2 1 SUPER LEGENDS Z Purton C S Shum 6 134 57 3/4 1:23:32 1.6 3 -1 -1 -2 13.78  22.41  23.99  23.14 
(12.28 11.71) (11.14 12.00)
3 3 CHATER GOLD K C Leung D A Hayes 5 129 52 5-3/4 1:24:13 30 1 -2 -3 -3 13.70  22.61  24.23  23.59 
(12.32 11.91) (11.58 12.01)
4 8 NEW POWER M L Yeung C W Chang 3 129 52 6-3/4 1:24:28 14 4 -5 -4 -4 13.90  22.73  24.03  23.62 
(12.32 11.71) (11.50 12.12)
5 5 FRUITY WARRIOR C Y Ho C Fownes 8 129 52 6-3/4 1:24:29 24 10 -9 -8 -5 14.18  22.89  23.83  23.39 
(11.92 11.91) (11.46 11.93)
6 2 CALIFORNIATOTALITY Y L Chung A S Cruz 11 124 52 7 1:24:30 45 12 -13 -10 -6 14.34  23.05  23.71  23.20 
(11.92 11.79) (11.42 11.78)
7 4 FLYING ROMANTIC J McDonald D J Hall 10 129 52 7-3/4 1:24:45 9.4 6 -6 -7 -7 14.02  22.81  24.03  23.59 
(12.32 11.71) (11.42 12.17)
8 11 WINNING SEVEN K De Melo D J Whyte 7 129 52 8-1/2 1:24:56 15 9 -8 -9 -8 14.18  22.89  24.03  23.46 
(12.24 11.79) (11.38 12.08)
9 12 THE CONCENTRATION H T Mo P F Yiu 9 125 50 8-3/4 1:24:59 130 11 -12 -14 -9 14.34  23.01  23.91  23.33 
(12.24 11.67) (11.30 12.03)
10 14 E GLORY K H Chan K L Man 1 117 43 9 1:24:63 99 5 -7 -6 -10 13.98  22.89  23.91  23.85 
(12.36 11.55) (11.58 12.27)
11 9 SUNNY SHINES A Atzeni P C Ng 14 129 52 9-1/2 1:24:73 84 14 -14 -11 -11 14.58  22.97  23.55  23.63 
(12.00 11.55) (11.38 12.25)
12 13 LADY BILLIE M Chadwick W K Mo 2 123 46 10-1/2 1:24:87 110 8 -10 -12 -12 14.14  22.93  24.07  23.73 
(12.32 11.75) (11.38 12.35)
13 7 HERO WARRIOR C L Chau T P Yung 13 127 52 12-1/4 1:25:17 71 7 -4 -5 -13 14.06  22.53  24.11  24.47 
(12.28 11.83) (11.74 12.73)
14 6 GOOD HAPPY HEART L Hewitson M Newnham 12 129 52 18-1/4 1:26:11 24 13 -11 -13 -14 14.50  22.81  23.95  24.85 
(12.24 11.71) (11.74 13.11)

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
SUPER LEGENDS (H364): Bumped on jumping. Sent for sampling post-race. CALIFORNIATOTALITY (H418): Shifted out at the start, was bumped and became unbalanced. Near the 450 Metres was hampered when taken wider by FRUITY WARRIOR which shifted out and away from FLYING ROMANTIC. CHATER GOLD (J004): No report. FLYING ROMANTIC (J057): Close to the finishing line raced in restricted room between NEW POWER and FRUITY WARRIOR, both of which shifted ground slightly. FRUITY WARRIOR (J035): Shortly after the start was crowded by THE CONCENTRATION which was taken in by FLYING ROMANTIC when that runner shifted in before being corrected by its rider. Was eased near the 1200 Metres. Was taken wider making the first turn near the 900 Metres and then raced wide and without cover thereafter. Shifted out and away from FLYING ROMANTIC near the 450 Metres. GOOD HAPPY HEART (J012): Crowded shortly after the start. Near the 1300 Metres, when being shifted in, became awkwardly placed near CALIFORNIATOTALITY, made contact with that runner and became unbalanced. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found that horse to have bled from both nostrils. Before being allowed to race again, GOOD HAPPY HEART will be required to perform satisfactorily in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. HERO WARRIOR (J006): No report. NEW POWER (H325): Jumped awkwardly and then lost further ground when crowded shortly after the start. Lay out on the Home Turn and in the Home Straight. SUNNY SHINES (H484): From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Near the 1300 Metres was bumped by GOOD HAPPY HEART, resulting in SUNNY SHINES becoming unbalanced. Leaving the 250 Metres was briefly crowded by E GLORY which shifted in. THE ABSOLUTE (H438): Sent for sampling post-race. WINNING SEVEN (J005): Jumped only fairly and then was crowded shortly after the start. In the early stages raced ungenerously and got its head up. Near the 1200 Metres was then steadied when momentarily crowded by FRUITY WARRIOR which was taken in slightly by FLYING ROMANTIC. Then continued to over-race throughout the middle stages. Leaving the 1000 Metres became unbalanced when bumped by LADY BILLIE which shifted out. Making the first turn near the 900 Metres shifted out. THE CONCENTRATION (H465): Crowded shortly after the start. Near the 700 Metres raced in restricted room between CALIFORNIATOTALITY and GOOD HAPPY HEART which shifted out slightly. Steadied and shifted to the outside of CALIFORNIATOTALITY near the 450 Metres. LADY BILLIE (H365): M Chadwick was fined $2,000 for initially presenting himself to be weighed out with the incorrect saddle cloth number. Bumped on jumping. E GLORY (H304): Shifted out at the start.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user