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06/12/2023  Happy Valley  Race 1 Steward Report

06/12/2023    Happy Valley  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 040-023  

DIAMOND FLARE (H224): Bumped shortly after the start. Sent for sampling post-race. H Z TOURBILLON (E149): Jumped awkwardly and lost ground and then from the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. HERCULES (C476): Near the 550 Metres was crowded by VALHALLA which was taken in by DRAGON KINGDOM (K C Leung). K C Leung was advised to exercise more care. Sent for sampling post-race. VALHALLA (E495): After the race, C Y Ho stated that his mount may be better suited by being ridden in a more conservative manner in the early stages. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Sent for sampling post-race. CRYSTAL POWERFUL (H068): Bumped shortly after the start. K Teetan (HERCULES) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that near the 250 Metres he directed his mount out when insufficiently clear of CRYSTAL POWERFUL, resulting in HERCULES making heavy contact with CRYSTAL POWERFUL and CRYSTAL POWERFUL being taken out from its rightful running. K Teetan was suspended from riding in races for one Hong Kong raceday to be conducted on Friday, 29 December 2023 at Happy Valley. In assessing penalty, the Stewards determined the carelessness grade 2 and the consequences grade 2 and also considered his good race riding record. GOODMANSHIP (E208): Obliged to race wide and without cover for the majority of the event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. MODEST GENTLEMAN (G352): Crowded shortly after the start. Held up making the Home Turn. DRAGON KINGDOM (E211): Bumped on jumping. Crowded shortly after the start. The performance of DRAGON KINGDOM, which finished tailed out on the second consecutive occasion, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, DRAGON KINGDOM will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a series of consecutive barrier trials and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. EASY TWO (G423): No report. NOBLE BOYZ (E156): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found that horse to have bled from both nostrils. Before being allowed to race again, NOBLE BOYZ will be required to perform satisfactorily in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. SUPER HORNET (G043): Soon after the start, SUPER HORNET and DRAGON KINGDOM made contact which resulted in DRAGON KINGDOM shifting out slightly. A short distance later, SUPER HORNET was severely checked when crowded between GOODMANSHIP (J McDonald) which shifted in and DRAGON KINGDOM which was taken out by NOBLE BOYZ (A Badel). Both J McDonald and A Badel were advised to exercise more care. NOIR RIDER (E138): Jumped only fairly. Ran wide making the Home Turn when being shifted to the outside of H Z TOURBILLON to improve.

06/12/2023  Happy Valley  Race 2 Steward Report

06/12/2023    Happy Valley  Turf  A  1650m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 040-021  

CHARMANDER (G437): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Passing the 100 Metres was eased and shifted to the outside of ONE HEART ONE to secure clear running. CIRCUIT ELITE (E487): After the race, B Avdulla stated that his instructions were to settle where comfortable. He said CIRCUIT ELITE jumped awkwardly and as a result he elected to shift the horse across behind runners in the early stages. He added when the pace was slow in the early stages, he rode his mount forward from the 900 Metres but when unable to cross and race closer to the rail CIRCUIT ELITE was obliged to race wide and without cover thereafter. HAPPY JAI JAI (E069): After the race, Z Purton reported that HAPPY JAI JAI was not suited by the slow early pace of the event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Sent for sampling post-race. NICE BIRDIE (G470): Sent for sampling post-race. ONE HEART ONE (H004): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. BROTHER PEARL (H030): Jumped awkwardly. LOYAL AMBITION (E489): No report. MEDIC ELITE (G129): Over the concluding stages raced tight to the inside of NICE BIRDIE, restricting H Doyle’s ability to ride her mount out to the finish of the event. Sent for sampling post-race. DOUBLE SHOW (G250): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. HANG'S CHOICE (E311): No report. MISTER ARM (D491): No report. COMPULSORY (E328): As the start was effected reared and lost ground, resulting in its rider A Atzeni becoming unbalanced. Before being allowed to race again, COMPULSORY will be required to perform satisfactorily in a barrier trial. Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

06/12/2023  Happy Valley  Race 3 Steward Report

06/12/2023  ST  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1650m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 060-044  

LUCKY GOLD (G112): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. ROYAL PRIDE (E351): After the race, J McDonald could offer no explanation for his mount’s disappointing performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. MERCHANT PRINCE (H268): Bumped shortly after the start. LOOKING COOL (G151): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Lay in in the Home Straight. SUPER BABY (G364): On arrival at the barriers it was noted that SUPER BABY had lost its left front plate. SUPER BABY was replated, examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. CHATEAU (H214): Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. TURIN WARRIOR (G150): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. FEARLESS FIRE (B085): Raced keenly in the early stages and making the turn near the 550 Metres hung out and was steadied away from CHATEAU. Continued to hang out for some distance thereafter. Sent for sampling post-race. LEGION OF MERIT (D419): Bounded on jumping and lost ground. Held up on the Home Turn. After improving to the inside of MERCHANT PRINCE in the early part of the Home Straight, then was held up between the 250 Metres and the 150 Metres behind AMAZING BOY. SIMPLY MAVERICK (H346): Sent for sampling post-race. AMAZING BOY (D513): After the race, T Marquand reported that his mount travelled comfortably in the early stages, but when asked for an effort on the Home Turn failed to respond and raced in a disappointing manner. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. DRAGON PRIDE (D164): Jumped awkwardly and then from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Approaching the 200 Metres was steadied when disappointed for clear running between ROYAL PRIDE and LUCKY GOLD which shifted in slightly. Was then shifted to the outside of LUCKY GOLD where it secured clear running a short distance after.

06/12/2023  Happy Valley  Race 4 Steward Report

06/12/2023  ST  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1000m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 060-043  

AMAZING ACE (H359): Jumped awkwardly. Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. After the race, J McDonald expressed concern with his mount’s action. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Before being allowed to race again, AMAZING ACE will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. SUPER COMMANDER (D350): No report. HARMONY FIRE (E175): Sent for sampling post-race. GALVANIC (H147): Jumped only fairly and was then crowded shortly after the start. Raced keenly and lay out in the middle stages. Approaching the 100 Metres was bumped heavily and became unbalanced. Sent for sampling post-race. GORGEOUS VITALITY (G051): Over the final 100 Metres could not be ridden out when racing tight to the inside of SUPER COMMANDER. SAVVY DELIGHT (E386): For some distance near the 400 Metres got its head up when being steadied away from DIAMOND SOARS. G ONE EXCELLENT (E359): No report. RED MAVERICK (J067): On jumping was badly crowded by HARMONY FIRE which shifted in abruptly before being corrected by its rider. DIAMOND SOARS (G201): No report. CIRCUIT SEVEN (D474): Jumped awkwardly and lost ground and then was crowded shortly after the start. Lay out in the middle stages. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. OVERSUBSCRIBED (C361): Sent for sampling post-race. SUPER FAST DRAGON (G456): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Approaching the 100 Metres SUPER FAST DRAGON became held up on the heels of DIAMOND SOARS and when being directed to the outside of DIAMOND SOARS was then taken out by that runner, resulting in SUPER FAST DRAGON (Y Kawada) making heavy contact with GALVANIC which became unbalanced. Y Kawada was reprimanded and advised that he must ensure there is sufficient racing room when improving into runs.

06/12/2023  Happy Valley  Race 5 Steward Report

06/12/2023  ST  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1650m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 060-043  

WIDE BLUE YONDER (G323): No report. DURHAM STAR (E082): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SNOWALOT (E397): After the race, K Teetan reported that he was instructed to hold a midfield position, but when caught wide in the early stages to the outside of DURHAM STAR was obliged to come back further to obtain a position closer to the rail. M UNICORN (G466): Bumped shortly after the start. Sent for sampling post-race. RED HARE KING (H188): Hung out on the Home Turn. Approaching the 100 Metres was bumped by M UNICORN which shifted in. Sent for sampling post-race. TATTENHAM (H121): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. CLUB SODA (H312): After the race, H Doyle could offer no explanation for her mount’s disappointing performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. KILLER INSTINCT (G020): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. BEAUTY MISSION (G098): Jumped awkwardly and from the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. SUPERB MOVE (G304): No report. SURE JOYFUL (G125): No report. TO INFINITY (G277): Jumped awkwardly. Approaching the 100 Metres was checked when disappointed for a doubtful run between WIDE BLUE YONDER and TATTENHAM which shifted out slightly. In this incident, TO INFINITY struck the heels of TATTENHAM and blundered.

06/12/2023  Happy Valley  Race 6 Steward Report

06/12/2023  ST  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 060-041  

SIGHT HERO (D487): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found that horse to be a "roarer” which had previously been reported. WOOD ON FIRE (C460): After the race, K Teetan reported that making the first turn he became concerned with his mount’s action when it ran out. He said along the Back Straight WOOD ON FIRE raced ungenerously and then when not in a competitive position was eased down in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of WOOD ON FIRE was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, WOOD ON FIRE will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. KILINDINI (E236): Held up between the 300 Metres and the 200 Metres behind PRINCE CHISWICK. PARTY WARRIOR (E368): Approaching the 50 Metres was briefly held up for clear running behind LYRICAL MOTION. HAPPY TRIO (G244): No report. HEALTHY HEALTHY (H203): Bumped shortly after the start. Z Purton was questioned as to whether he had ridden his mount out fully to the end of the race. Z Purton explained that over the concluding stages his mount shifted ground and he was concerned that his whip may have struck LYRICAL MOTION which was positioned directly to his outside. He said as a consequence he stopped riding HEALTHY HEALTHY with the whip and then commenced to push out hands and heels. Z Purton was advised that, wherever possible, he should ensure that he rides his mounts out fully to the finish of the race. Sent for sampling post-race. GOLDEN RISE (H242): When questioned, B Avdulla stated that from the outside barrier he was given the option to endeavour to find a forward position. He said after jumping fairly, GOLDEN RISE did not show sufficient pace to hold a more forward position and as a result was left racing three wide entering the Back Straight. He said when he observed Z Purton, rider of HEALTHY HEALTHY, continued a forward move, he then elected to steady his mount to obtain a trailing position behind HARMONY N HOME near the 800 Metres to avoid racing wide and without cover at which point GOLDEN RISE raced keenly and this resulted in GOLDEN RISE settling further back than intended. He added after improving to the outside in the Home Straight GOLDEN RISE ran on reasonably well. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. PRINCE CHISWICK (G388): No report. ERNEST FEELING (E209): Sent for sampling post-race. HARMONY N HOME (C531): C L Chau, who weighed in at 121 lbs, was fined the sum of $3,000 for returning to scale 2 lbs overweight. DIAMOND DIAMOND (H189): Slow to begin. Near the 750 Metres commenced to race keenly and was steadied away from GOLDEN RISE. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. LYRICAL MOTION (G081): Bumped shortly after the start. Over the concluding stages shifted in towards HEALTHY HEALTHY and was awkwardly placed for a short distance afterwards.

06/12/2023  Happy Valley  Race 7 Steward Report

06/12/2023  LT  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1650m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 080-064  

SPLENDID LIVING (E192): No report. FLAGSHIP WARRIOR (G452): Near the 250 Metres was momentarily crowded between QUANTUM PATCH and STAR CONTACT which shifted out and away from SPLENDID LIVING. SIXTH GENERATION (G120): After the race, K Teetan reported that his mount raced too keenly in the event and as a result failed to finish the race off. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. QUANTUM PATCH (H166): Sent for sampling post-race. IVY LEAGUE (H116): From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. ALL BEAUTY (E355): No report. E LEGEND (G028): No report. SILVER SONIC (H171): Sent for sampling post-race. STORM LEGEND (G139): Jumped awkwardly and lost ground and then from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Lay out in the middle stages. FLYING MOJITO (G412): Jumped only fairly and was bumped shortly after the start by SIXTH GENERATION which shifted in. After the race, H Doyle stated that her mount was disadvantaged by settling further back in the field tonight after being bumped shortly after the start and found it difficult to make up ground, particularly with the race being run outside standard time throughout the early stages. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. D STAR (G374): Jumped only fairly. Near the 400 Metres became unbalanced when bumped by QUANTUM PATCH (M Barzalona) which was shifted to the outside of FLAGSHIP WARRIOR to secure clear running. M Barzalona was severely reprimanded. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. STAR CONTACT (E472): Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event.

06/12/2023  Happy Valley  Race 8 Steward Report

06/12/2023  LT  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 076-065  

LIGHTNING BOLT (G130): No report. LUCKY ARCHANGEL (E385): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SINBA (H091): Bumped on jumping and then crowded shortly after the start. Over the concluding stages was checked when crowded between LUCKY ARCHANGEL which was giving ground and SOLAR PARTNER (R Moore) which shifted to the inside of SUGAR SUGAR when placed close to the heels of that runner. R Moore was advised to exercise more care. After the race, H Doyle stated that her mount hung in throughout the event and on straightening was shifted to the inside to secure clear running. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SOLID IMPACT (E447): Crowded on jumping. TOMODACHI KOKOROE (H303): Sent for sampling post-race. GOLDEN EMPIRE (E490): No report. BEAUTY GLORY (E459): Shifted out on jumping, was bumped on the hindquarters and became unbalanced. Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SUGAR SUGAR (G016): No report. GAMEPLAYER ELITE (H356): Sent for sampling post-race. TORONADO PHANTOM (E300): No report. KAHOLO ANGEL (H216): Sent for sampling post-race. SOLAR PARTNER (E364): Jumped only fairly and was bumped shortly after the start. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found that horse to have sustained an abrasion to its right hind leg.

06/12/2023  Happy Valley  Race 9 Steward Report

06/12/2023  LV  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1800m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 099-081  

TOURBILLON DIAMOND (E054): No report. ALL FOR ST PAUL'S (C517): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. BOURBONAIRE (E365): No report. SPIRITED EXPRESS (G356): Jumped only fairly. Near the 550 Metres was hampered when taken wider by THE BEST PEACH which shifted to the outside of BUTTERFIELD to commence to improve. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. RISING FROM ASHES (G209): Crowded shortly after the start. When questioned regarding his riding in the Home Straight, L Hewitson stated that near the 200 Metres he commenced to obtain a narrow run between ALL FOR ST PAUL’S and BOURBONAIRE. He said when BOURBONAIRE shifted in slightly, this resulted in RISING FROM ASHES being disappointed for this run and then being checked away from the heels of ALL FOR ST PAUL’S which was giving ground. L Hewitson was advised to exercise more care and to ensure that there is comfortable racing room when he is endeavouring to improve. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found that horse to be a "roarer”. HELENE FEELING (H215): Sent for sampling post-race. THE BEST PEACH (H139): Shortly after the start was checked when crowded between HELENE FEELING and COLUMBUS COUNTY (C Y Ho) which shifted in and away from HAMERON. C Y Ho was advised to exercise more care. COLUMBUS COUNTY (C465): Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. BUTTERFIELD (C462): Sent for sampling post-race. HAMERON (H265): L Ferraris stated that over the concluding stages he received a call from K Teetan, rider of LOOKING GREAT, which was positioned to his inside and for this reason he stopped riding and straightened his mount. Whilst the Stewards were satisfied that the riding of L Ferraris, 6th placegetter, over the concluding stages did not affect the horse’s finishing position, he was nonetheless reminded of his obligation to ensure that he rides his mounts out fully to the finish of the race. After the race, L Ferraris reported that with blinkers being applied tonight for the first time, he was instructed to take up a forward position but not necessarily race in the lead. He said when caught wide in the early stages, he was obliged to allow HAMERON to stride forward to avoid covering additional ground. NEARLY FINE (E430): No report. LOOKING GREAT (E053): No report.