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23/06/2024  Shatin  Race 1 Steward Report

23/06/2024  ST  Shatin  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.72)   Rating: 060-042  

BEAUTY MISSILE (H123): Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. When questioned, Z Purton stated that as the race appeared to lack genuine pace, he was given the option to ride BEAUTY MISSILE in a forward position if circumstances permitted. Trainer F C Lor confirmed the instructions and the reasons as to why he issued such instructions. He added that such instructions were consistent with those that he had issued at previous race starts. Sent for sampling post-race. JUDY'S GREAT (J016): Leaving the 700 Metres got its head up when being steadied to avoid DRAGON JOY and as a result shifted out and made contact with the hindquarters of EXCELLENT DADDY. ROBOT MASTER (J107): Jumped only fairly. Near the 750 Metres was steadied when momentarily crowded by FOXHUNTER GO which was racing tight inside BEAUTY MISSILE. YOU'REMYEVERYTHING (E413): No report. CAMP FIRE (J259): No report. DEAL COMPLETED (J378): Jumped only fairly and then shortly after the start was checked when crowded between MY WISH and DRAGON JOY which was taken in by YOU’REMYEVERYTHING. DRAGON JOY (J278): Bumped on the hindquarters shortly after the start and became unbalanced. Blundered near the 900 Metres. FOXHUNTER GO (J356): Near the 750 Metres was steadied when crowded by BEAUTY MISSILE which shifted in slightly. JUBILANT WINNER (J346): Jumped only fairly and from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. When questioned regarding his riding in the Home Straight and the reason he shifted to the inside of SWEET SMILE after the 250 Metres, B Thompson stated that initially his intention was to obtain clear running between EXCELLENT DADDY and SWEET SMILE. He stated that when SWEET SMILE shifted out slightly near the 250 Metres, he then directed JUBILANT WINNER to that runner’s inside in an attempt to obtain clear running. He added his decision to do so was also influenced by the fact that JUBILANT WINNER lay in in the Home Straight. He further stated that after obtaining running to the inside of SWEET SMILE, JUBILANT WINNER then became held up approaching the 100 Metres when disappointed for clear running between SWEET SMILE which shifted back in slightly and ROBOT MASTER which shifted out. He said as a result JUBILANT WINNER did not obtain clear running until near the 50 Metres. After considering his explanations, the Stewards found the tactics adopted by Jockey Thompson were reasonable in the circumstances. MY WISH (J256): Sent for sampling post-race. YUEN LONG ELITE (J272): Sent for sampling post-race. SWEET SMILE (J282): No report. EXCELLENT DADDY (E321): Leaving the 700 Metres was bumped on the hindquarters and became unbalanced. Raced very wide and without cover for the majority of the event. SMART LEADER (B456): No report.

23/06/2024  Shatin  Race 2 Steward Report

23/06/2024  LT  Shatin  All Weather Track    1650m   Going: GOOD  (8.92)    Rating: 085-060  

BERLIN TANGO (E120): Near the 300 Metres became held up behind SUPER WIN DRAGON and was shifted to that runner’s inside shortly after to obtain clear running. APACHE PASS (D433): No report. ALACRITY (H210): Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. PERFECT TEAM (H120): From the 400 Metres to the 200 Metres had difficulty obtaining clear running. Sent for sampling post-race. SUPER WIN DRAGON (E253): Approaching the 200 Metres was momentarily crowded by PERFECT TEAM which shifted out. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. TOY SOLTERO (J268): Jumped only fairly. Raced keenly throughout the early stages. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SO WE JOY (D082): Approaching the 200 Metres was bumped by SUPER WIN DRAGON which was taken out slightly by PERFECT TEAM. SURUGA BAY (J022): Blundered on jumping and lost ground. TALENTS AMBITION (J136): From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Sent for sampling post-race.

23/06/2024  Shatin  Race 3 Steward Report

23/06/2024  ST  Shatin  All Weather Track    1650m   Going: GOOD  (8.92)    Rating: 060-045  

YOUNG BRILLIANT (H135): Raced wide and without cover until after the 800 Metres when it was ridden forward to race outside the leader LUCKY BANNER. Sent for sampling post-race. G LINER (H072): When questioned regarding his riding from the 1000 Metres and the reason he shifted to the outside of SUNNY DARLING, H Bowman stated that after following SUNNY DARLING in the early stages, he was concerned that runner would not provide him with the opportunity to improve into the event from the 800 Metres. He said when he observed YOUNG BRILLIANT improve to his outside leaving the 1000 Metres, he elected to shift out to the outside of SUNNY DARLING as he was concerned that his mount may have been held up behind SUNNY DARLING when YOUNG BRILLIANT held its position to that runner’s outside. He added as a consequence of shifting out, this resulted in YOUNG BRILLIANT having to continue forward where it took up a position outside the lead. H Bowman stated that whilst this resulted in G LINER racing wide and without cover from the 750 Metres, as G LINER is a horse that is not able to sprint quickly, he felt that that this was the best option for him to undertake at that part of the race. The Stewards found the tactics adopted by Jockey Bowman were reasonable in the circumstances. Sent for sampling post-race. VIVA HUNTER (E369): Jumped awkwardly. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. FLOOF (H432): No report. MIDORI BURLY (J083): Jumped awkwardly and lost ground. From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. SUNNY DARLING (J171): Near the 1200 Metres was steadied to avoid LUCKY BANNER (A Badel) which shifted in when not quite clear. A Badel was advised to exercise more care. HAKKA RADIANCE (J105): No report. MISSION BRAVO (E383): Slow to begin. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. EXCEL WONGCHOY (J194): No report. STRONGEST BOY (H027): From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. LUCKY BANNER (G354): For a short distance near the 100 Metres and again over the concluding stages raced tight to the inside of YOUNG BRILLIANT which lay in. After the winning post was then steadied when it continued to race tight to the inside of YOUNG BRILLIANT (C L Chau). C L Chau was advised that in similar circumstances he would be expected to make a greater effort to straighten his mounts. FOREVER FOLKS (G463): Jumped only fairly. SUN OF MAKFI (D157): Jumped only fairly. BRAVE WITNESS (H425): Held up for clear running between the 500 Metres and the 300 Metres. Sent for sampling post-race.

23/06/2024  Shatin  Race 4 Steward Report

23/06/2024  ST  Shatin  Turf  A  1800m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.72)   Rating: 059-041  

SERANGOON (H296): Bumped on jumping and became unbalanced. AFFORDABLE (J242): The performance of AFFORDABLE, which gave ground in the Home Straight, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, AFFORDABLE will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. KIMBERLEY (H329): After the race, H Bowman reported that his instructions were to go forward but after his mount was bumped at the start and when caught wide in the early stages, he elected to obtain a position back in the field with cover to avoid racing wide. He added in the Home Straight KIMBERLEY responded only fairly to his riding and its run ended near the 200 Metres. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race which included an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse’s trachea. Before being allowed to race again, KIMBERLEY will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. GALLANT HERO (E480): Crowded shortly after the start. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. VOLCANIC SPARK (H388): Approaching the 350 Metres was disappointed for clear running to the inside of MISTER DAPPER which shifted in and then was shifted to the outside where it obtained clear running approaching the 300 Metres. JOY OF SPRING (H383): Sent for sampling post-race. MISTER DAPPER (H376): Crowded at the start. Lay in in the Home Straight. STARSHIP EIGHTY (H022): Kicked out with its hind legs as the start was effected and as a result lost ground. After the race, K Teetan reported that his mount did not respond to his riding in the Home Straight, raced in a disappointing manner and he could offer no explanation for the performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. GOOD GOOD (J224): On jumping was bumped by PAKISTAN FRIEND which shifted out. Lay in in the Home Straight and approaching the 150 Metres shifted in and bumped HAPPY HERO. Sent for sampling post-race. FURY AND GOLD (H202): Shifted in at the start and was bumped. CIRCUIT NINE (G140): On jumping was crowded between MISTER DAPPER which shifted out slightly and FURY AND GOLD which shifted in abruptly. HAPPY HERO (G322): Bumped approaching the 150 Metres. PAKISTAN FRIEND (B370): Shifted out at the start and was bumped. Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. RUNNING AHEAD (G313): No report.

23/06/2024  Shatin  Race 5 Steward Report

23/06/2024  ST  Shatin  Turf  A  1400m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.72)   Rating: 060-042  

AMAZING DUCK (H392): No report. ONLY U (J037): Crowded shortly after the start by CIRCUIT MAXIMUS which shifted in slightly. APOLAR FIGHTER (J169): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. STEPS AHEAD (J263): Passing the winning post was steadied when crowded by GREENWICH which shifted in before being corrected by its rider A Atzeni. Sent for sampling post-race. GREENWICH (H328): Sent for sampling post-race. FOOLISH HEART (J054): Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. MEEPMEEP (H234): Jumped only fairly. STORMING DRAGON (J237): Sent for sampling post-race. TRIPLE BLISS (J310): For some distance near the 900 Metres raced keenly. WINDICATOR FAMILY (H419): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Near the 1100 Metres was steadied to avoid GLUCK RACER. CIRCUIT MAXIMUS (J347): Shifted in shortly after the start and was bumped. After being crossed by GREENWICH near the 1000 Metres commenced to race keenly, got its head up and refused to settled for some distance thereafter. GREAT SPIRIT (J155): Jumped awkwardly and then from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. GAMEPLAYER WARRIOR (J178): From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Near the 1100 Metres was steadied to avoid APOLAR FIGHTER. GLUCK RACER (E157): Jumped awkwardly, resulting in its rider K Teetan becoming unbalanced. Near the 1100 Metres GLUCK RACER, which was initially positioned to the outside of MEEPMEEP, then shifted in and improved to the inside of MEEPMEEP as that runner was being shifted in towards the rail. As a result GLUCK RACER was checked away from MEEPMEEP and shifted in abruptly, crowding APOLAR FIGHTER. As the Stewards were satisfied that B Avdulla, the rider of MEEPMEEP, had ridden with care during this incident, no action was taken. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

23/06/2024  Shatin  Race 6 Steward Report

23/06/2024  ST  Shatin  Turf  A  1400m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.72)   Rating: 059-042  

COMING PATCH (G222): Jumped only fairly. SUNNY DA BEST (J118): Jumped only fairly and then was crowded by SMART FIGHTER which shifted in. Near the 100 Metres was steadied away from VANTASTIC CHOICE when that runner was giving ground. After the race, A Atzeni reported that whilst his preference was to lead the event, he was able to obtain an on-pace position with cover behind the leaders. He added in the Home Straight SUNNY DA BEST failed to respond to his riding and raced in a disappointing manner. Trainer W Y So stated that, in his opinion, SUNNY DA BEST may not have appreciated the "Good to Firm” track conditions but he will now spell the horse having regard to today’s performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of SUNNY DA BEST was considered to be disappointing as compared to its previous race starts. Before being allowed to race again, SUNNY DA BEST will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. LET'S DO IT (E132): No report. LUCKY GOLD (G112): Noted to have lost its right front plate after the race. MASTER MASTERMIND (J024): Over the concluding stages could not be ridden out when positioned close to TOP PEAK which shifted out. Sent for sampling post-race. TOP PEAK (H441): Sent for sampling post-race. AUTUMN DELIGHT (J090): Knuckled over badly on jumping and as a result became unbalanced and lost ground. Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. KASA PAPA (G312): Jumped only fairly and from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. For a short distance near the 150 Metres was held up for clear running behind SMART FIGHTER when that runner shifted out slightly. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. VANTASTIC CHOICE (G401): After the race, Y L Chung stated that after his mount was bumped near the 400 Metres by LUCKY PLANET which shifted in, it then became unbalanced and failed to respond to his riding thereafter. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. BEAUTY ALLIANCE (J260): No report. EVER SMART (J179): No report. JUMBO FORTUNE (G195): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Sent for sampling post-race. SMART FIGHTER (H278): No report. LUCKY PLANET (H235): Lay in near the 400 Metres and was bumped.

23/06/2024  Shatin  Race 7 Steward Report

23/06/2024  LT  Shatin  Turf  A  2000m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.72)   Rating: 080-060  

PACKING HURRICANE (H137): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. From the 500 Metres until approaching the 350 Metres was held up for clear running. WINNING DRAGON (E461): No report. WOODFIRE BRO (G115): No report. TURIN MASCOT (H165): No report. UNIVERSAL HORIZON (G360): Jumped awkwardly and lost ground. Near the 250 Metres became held up for clear running behind ACCOLADE START and was then shifted to that runner’s outside where it obtained clear running approaching the 150 Metres. AWESOME FLUKE (J050): Sent for sampling post-race. ILLUMINOUS (J170): No report. SIMPLE HEDGE (H237): Sent for sampling post-race. FLAGSHIP WARRIOR (G452): Jumped awkwardly. Raced keenly in the early stages. After the race, Apprentice E C W Wong reported that after enduring a wide run without cover from the 1200 Metres, his mount did not respond to his riding in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. BRAVEHEARTS (H389): Jumped only fairly. For a short distance near the 1000 Metres raced tight to the inside of FLAGSHIP WARRIOR which shifted in before being corrected by its rider. ORIENTAL SMOKE (E467): After the race, B Thompson reported that his mount was disadvantaged when AWESOME FLUKE improved to its outside near the 1000 Metres and as a result did not respond to his riding when placed under pressure in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. ESCAPE ROUTE (E273): No report. DEVILDOM (H445): No report. ACCOLADE START (H331): After the race, A Badel advised that he was not given any specific instructions other than to settle his mount where comfortable. He said after commencing well ACCOLADE START was able to take up a forward position. Trainer C S Shum confirmed the instructions issued. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

23/06/2024  Shatin  Race 8 Steward Report

23/06/2024  Group Three  Shatin  Turf  A  1400m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.72)   Rating: 126-097  

CALIFORNIA SPANGLE (E314): Sent for sampling post-race. TAJ DRAGON (H164): No report. HEALTHY HAPPY (D435): No report. FLYING ACE (G045): Slow to begin. Between the 400 Metres and the 350 Metres was held up when being shifted to the outside to obtain clear running. MUGEN (H338): Sent for sampling post-race. PACKING TREADMILL (G161): For a short distance after the 250 Metres had difficulty obtaining clear running when improving into a narrow run between CALIFORNIA SPANGLE and HEALTHY HAPPY. TELECOM FIGHTERS (D482): Over the concluding stages B Thompson dropped his left rein.

23/06/2024  Shatin  Race 9 Steward Report

23/06/2024  Group Three  Shatin  Turf  A  1800m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 119-090  

BEAUTY JOY (E058): Over the concluding stages raced tight between HAPPY TOGETHER and GALAXY PATCH which shifted in before being corrected by its rider. Sent for sampling post-race. GALAXY PATCH (H399): Jumped awkwardly and lost ground. Raced keenly in the early stages. Sent for sampling post-race. HAPPY TOGETHER (G446): No report. NIMBLE NIMBUS (E249): After the race, A Atzeni reported that from the outside barrier he was instructed to ride his mount conservatively in the early stages and as such he shifted his mount across behind runners. He added after being taken wider by GALAXY PATCH from the 550 Metres, NIMBLE NIMBUS did not respond to his riding in the Home Straight and raced in a disappointing manner. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found that horse to have sustained a small wound to the right front leg. FIVE G PATCH (G286): No report. LA CITY BLANCHE (G371): After the race, M Chadwick reported that his mount performs best on a firmer surface. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SWORD POINT (G448): No report. CHANCHENG GLORY (H212): Sent for sampling post-race. ALL FOR ST PAUL'S (C517): Bumped at the start. C P BRAVE (E306): For a short distance after the 400 Metres had difficulty obtaining clear running. THE BEST PEACH (H139): Bumped at the start. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

23/06/2024  Shatin  Race 10 Steward Report

23/06/2024  LT  Shatin  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 076-060  

JAMES TAK (J007): Sent for sampling post-race. YOUNG SUPERSTAR (J400): Jumped awkwardly and made contact with FASHION LEGEND, resulting in its rider Y L Chung becoming unbalanced. After the race, Y L Chung stated that his mount was disadvantaged by jumping awkwardly and him having to make use of the horse in the early stages to lead. He added YOUNG SUPERSTAR was also disadvantaged by being pressured in the lead by JAMES TAK but failed to respond to his riding in the Home Straight and was still, in his opinion, disappointing. Trainer A S Cruz stated that YOUNG SUPERSTAR was disadvantaged by the track conditions, which, whilst still rated as "Good”, had some effects of the rain which had fallen earlier in the day. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of YOUNG SUPERSTAR, a last start winner, was considered to be disappointing. Before being allowed to race again, YOUNG SUPERSTAR will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. GOKO WIN (H069): A Atzeni was fined the sum of $2,000 for failing to present himself in the Parade Ring by the required time. From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Near the 800 Metres was momentarily crowded between POLARIS which shifted out when being steadied away from PHOENIX LIGHT and EXCELLENT FIGHTER which shifted in slightly. TORONADO PHANTOM (E300): No report. LUCY IN THE SKY (J275): Between the 400 Metres and the 350 Metres had difficulty obtaining clear running. Sent for sampling post-race. NOT USUAL STAR (G396): Jumped only fairly. PHOENIX LIGHT (G192): Noted to have lost its right hind plate after the race. MODULECONSTRUCTION (H127): Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. POLARIS (J404): At declaration time, A Atzeni was declared as the rider of both GOKO WIN and POLARIS. It was established that A Atzeni had a firm commitment to ride GOKO WIN. As such, the Stewards permitted H Bowman to be substituted as the rider of POLARIS. For this declaration error, Trainer K L Man was fined $2,000. Subsequently the Stewards approved for M Chadwick to be substituted as the rider of POLARIS as H Bowman was unable to make the weight. Having regard to the circumstances of this case and in particular that Jockey Bowman advised the Stewards of his unavailability to ride prior to betting commencing, the Stewards believed that the appropriate penalty was for him to be fined a sum of $2,000. EXCELLENT FIGHTER (G343): Raced very wide and without cover for the majority of the event. NATURAL HIGH (J365): Jumped only fairly. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. YEAH BUDDY (J430): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Over the final 75 Metres was held up and could not be ridden out to the finish when positioned behind MODULECONSTRUCTION. FASHION LEGEND (J080): Bumped at the start. SILK ROAD GLORY (J361): When requested by Z Purton was examined by the Veterinary Officer on arrival at the Start. When Jockey Purton felt that there was something amiss with the horse, SILK ROAD GLORY was withdrawn by order of the Stewards. Before being allowed to race again, SILK ROAD GLORY will be required to perform satisfactorily in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

23/06/2024  Shatin  Race 11 Steward Report

23/06/2024  LT  Shatin  Turf  A  1400m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 079-063  

TOP GUN (J249): Bumped at the start. At the 450 Metres was shifted to the outside of ACE VICTORY to obtain clear running and bumped JOLLY RULER. After the 400 Metres was bumped on the hindquarters and became unbalanced. After the race, K Teetan reported that his mount shifted ground during the running of the event but finished the race off only fairly. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race which included an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse’s trachea. Before being allowed to race again, TOP GUN will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. GALAXY WITNESS (G110): Jumped awkwardly, made contact with TOP GUN and lost ground. After the race, C Y Ho reported that whilst his mount had some difficulty obtaining clear running near the 250 Metres, it failed to respond to his riding over the final 200 Metres and raced in a disappointing manner. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SUPERB KID (H298): Over the concluding stages could not be fully ridden out when positioned close to HUGE WAVE which shifted out and away from BEAUTY CRESCENT. BEAUTY CRESCENT (H334): Sent for sampling post-race. TOURBILLON PRINCE (H122): When questioned, Y L Chung stated that his instructions were to hold a forward position, but despite riding his mount along in the early stages, it did not show sufficient pace to do so. He said as a consequence TOURBILLON PRINCE settled further back in the field than intended. STELLAR EXPRESS (J186): No report. HUGE WAVE (J197): Crowded shortly after the start. BEAUTY GLORY (E459): Bumped shortly after the start. After the race, M Chadwick reported that his mount did not appreciate tonight’s track conditions which, whilst still rated as "Good”, had some effects of the rain which had fallen earlier in the day. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. RUBYLOT (H412): Shortly after the start was crowded between BEAUTY GLORY and HUGE WAVE which was taken out by JOLLY RULER. Sent for sampling post-race. JOLLY RULER (E346): Raced wide and without cover from the 900 Metres. Near the 450 Metres was bumped by TOP GUN which shifted out to improve. L Hewitson (THRIVING BROTHERS) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that leaving the 400 Metres he directed his mount to the outside of STELLAR EXPRESS, resulting in THRIVING BROTHERS making contact with ACE VICTORY, taking ACE VICTORY out onto TOP GUN which was taken wider, resulting in JOLLY RULER being checked to avoid the heels of TOP GUN. L Hewitson was suspended from riding in races for one Hong Kong raceday to be conducted on Wednesday, 10 July 2024 at Happy Valley. In assessing penalty, the Stewards determined the carelessness grade 2 and the consequences grade 2 and also considered his very good careless riding record. HARMONY GALAXY (J266): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. LOST CHILD (G461): No report. ACE VICTORY (H076): After the 400 Metres was bumped and became unbalanced. After the race, H T Mo reported that from the outside barrier he was instructed to take up a forward position. THRIVING BROTHERS (J396): L Hewitson pleaded guilty to a careless riding charge for causing interference leaving the 400 Metres (see JOLLY RULER). A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.