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10/12/2023  Shatin  Race 1 Steward Report

10/12/2023  ST  Shatin  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 059-043  

HAPPY GOLF (H056): Near the 450 Metres was hampered when momentarily crowded by STROM RIDER which shifted out. HONG KONG HALL (G315): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. PHOENIX LIGHT (G192): On arrival at the Start, it was noted that PHOENIX LIGHT had lost its left front plate. PHOENIX LIGHT was replated, examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race. Near the 300 Metres became held up on the heels of COPARTNER PRANCE and then was directed to the outside of that runner near the 250 Metres to secure clear running. COPARTNER PRANCE (H408): Lay in under pressure in the Home Straight when giving ground. FIGHTING MACHINE (J015): Noted to have sustained a small abrasion to the left front leg in the saddling stalls, examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race. Bumped shortly after the start. Near the 350 Metres was checked when crowded between HAPPY GOLF which shifted in slightly when improving to the inside of STORM RIDER and LUCKY PLANET (K Teetan) which shifted out whilst being ridden along, K Teetan was reprimanded. When questioned regarding his riding, A Atzeni stated that from a wide barrier he was instructed to obtain cover but expected to settle behind midfield. He said in the early stages FIGHTING MACHINE did not travel strongly but near the 500 Metres commenced to improve and for this reason he was reluctant to immediately shift FIGHTING MACHINE to the outside as it commenced to travel well. He said as a result he allowed FIGHTING MACHINE to improve to the inside and near the 350 Metres was checked when crowded between LUCKY PLANET and HAPPY GOLF. He added that after shifting to the inside of LUCKY PLANET, he then became held up on the heels of COPARTNER PRANCE near the 200 Metres when that runner gave ground. He further stated that after being shifted to the outside of COPARTNER PRANCE near the 150 Metres, he then continued to experience some difficulty obtaining clear running behind PHOENIX LIGHT and did not obtain clear running until near the 50 Metres when positioned to the outside of LUCKY PLANET. Trainer P C Ng confirmed the instructions were to ride the horse conservatively in the early stages from a wide barrier and also confirmed that he had not issued any specific instructions in relation to improving to the outside in the Home Straight. Mr Ng stated that whilst FIGHTING MACHINE had difficulty obtaining clear running in the Home Straight, he was satisfied with the riding of Jockey Atzeni. After considering his explanation, the Stewards found the tactics adopted by Jockey Atzeni were reasonable in the circumstances. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. GORGEOUS WIN (J008): Sent for sampling post-race. JOYFUL SUPREME (H372): Noted to have bled from both nostrils after the race. Before being allowed to race again, JOYFUL SUPREME will be required to perform satisfactorily in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. PATCH OF TIME (H483): Jumped awkwardly. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SPICY GOLD (H440): SPICY GOLD, which was having its first race start, made the Home Turn awkwardly and raced greenly when placed under pressure in the Home Straight and over the concluding stages lay in. STORM RIDER (J027): Bumped shortly after the start. When questioned regarding his riding on the Home Turn and the reason he elected to shift out, K C Leung stated that when he had identified HONG KONG HALL and ROUND THE GLOBE were under pressure, he elected to shift out to follow the favourite GORGEOUS WIN which was travelling well at that stage. He added whilst he was aware there was room available to improve to the inside of that runner, he felt that STORM RIDER would be advantaged by obtaining clear running to the outside. The Stewards found the tactics adopted were reasonable. Sent for sampling post-race. TEXAS MOON (G073): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. ROUND THE GLOBE (H146): When giving ground over the final 200 Metres lay in and proved difficult to ride out. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. LUCKY PLANET (H235): Jumped awkwardly and then was bumped shortly after the start. Near the 900 Metres was steadied when crowded between STORM RIDER and HAPPY GOLF which shifted in and away from PATCH OF TIME after being taken in slightly by that runner. In this incident, PATCH OF TIME was corrected by its rider C Soumillon. Near the 250 Metres was hampered when crowded between HAPPY GOLF and PHOENIX LIGHT which was shifted to the outside of COPARTNER PRANCE to secure clear running. CHIU CHOW BROTHER (E188): Bumped on jumping.

10/12/2023  Shatin  Race 2 Steward Report

10/12/2023  ST  Shatin  Turf  A  1400m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 059-040  

FUN N GLORY (G003): No report. JUMBO FORTUNE (G195): Slow to begin. Near the 750 Metres commenced to race keenly and was steadied away from PO ON WAY. Held up making the Home Turn. Sent for sampling post-race. EIGHTY LIGHT YEARS (H170): Near the 800 Metres blundered when being steadied to allow FANCY STAR to cross. ARIEL (G223): Bumped at the start. STAR CLUB (H239): Crowded shortly after the start by FUN N GLORY which shifted out. Near the 550 Metres was hampered when taken wider by WINNING DATA and was again hampered near the 450 Metres when taken wider. After the race, B Avdulla reported that, in his opinion, STAR CLUB would be better suited by being dropped back in distance where it would appreciate a more genuine tempo. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. PO ON WAY (H201): Hampered when taken wider shortly after the start. CIRCUIT NINE (G140): Slow to begin and from the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Near the 750 Metres was steadied to avoid JUMBO FORTUNE and as a result got its head up and became unbalanced. FANCY STAR (H428): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. WINNING DATA (H230): Near the 550 Metres was steadied away from MASSIVE TALENT and shifted out to avoid that runner’s heels. Sent for sampling post-race. Near the 450 Metres was taken wider. Sent for sampling post-race. COMMANDING MISSILE (G210): Bumped at the start. MASSIVE TALENT (H282): Bumped shortly after the start. Hampered and taken wider near the 450 Metres. After the race, L Hewitson stated that he felt that there may be something amiss with his mount in the Home Straight and as a result he did not ride it out from near the 300 Metres when not in a competitive position. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race which included an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse’s trachea. The performance of MASSIVE TALENT, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, MASSIVE TALENT will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. BULB PRINCE (G179): Bumped at the start and from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. G LINER (H072): From the 450 Metres until the 300 Metres was held up for clear running behind MASSIVE TALENT which was giving ground. HERO ICON (G422): After the race, A Badel expressed concern with his mount’s action. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Before being allowed to race again, HERO ICON will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. ROMANTIC HERO (H482): Withdrawn on 8.12.23 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (left front tendon injury) and replaced by Standby Declared Starter PO ON WAY. Before being allowed to race again, ROMANTIC HERO will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

10/12/2023  Shatin  Race 3 Steward Report

10/12/2023  LT  Shatin  Turf  A  1400m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 079-061  

PRIME MINISTER (D288): No report. TAMRA BLITZ (G237): Bumped at the start. After the race, A Hamelin stated that his instructions were to obtain cover but due to the slow pace TAMRA BLITZ, despite his efforts, was obliged to race wide and was not suited by racing in this position. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. BEAUTY CRESCENT (H334): From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Near the 300 Metres was steadied when disappointed for clear running between AMAZING VICTORY and LET’S DO IT which shifted out. Was then shifted back to the inside where it secured clear running at the 250 Metres. AMAZING VICTORY (G123): No report. CHIU CHOW SPIRIT (H175): Raced wide and without cover until near the 650 Metres. Sent for sampling post-race. SIMPLE HEDGE (H237): Sent for sampling post-race. ACCOLADE START (H331): No report. GLOBAL HARMONY (G337): Slow to begin. Sent for sampling post-race. CAPITAL DELIGHT (H262): After the race, J Moreira reported that his mount travelled comfortably in an on-pace position, but failed to respond to his riding in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. LET'S DO IT (E132): No report. LOST CHILD (G461): Jumped awkwardly. After the race, B Avdulla stated that his mount was held up for clear running behind AMAZING VICTORY for some distance near the 250 Metres and as a result took some time to respond to his riding after that incident. He added close to the finishing line LOST CHILD then raced in restricted room between AMAZING VICTORY and ACCOLADE START. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. READY TO WIN (E422): No report. BEER PALACE (H361): Jumped awkwardly, shifted out and made contact with the hindquarters of TAMRA BLITZ. Near the 300 Metres was briefly held up behind CHIU CHOW SPIRIT. Close to the finishing line could not be fully tested when positioned close to the heels of BEAUTY CRESCENT which shifted out. SUPERB BOY (G335): After being loaded into the starting gates became fractious, reared and struck its head. Removed from the barriers and examined by the Veterinary Officer who said in his opinion the horse was not suitable to race. Acting on this advice, SUPERB BOY was withdrawn by order of the Stewards. A subsequent veterinary examination found the horse to have sustained a wound to the poll of the head. Before being allowed to race again, SUPERB BOY will be required to perform satisfactorily in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

10/12/2023  Shatin  Race 4 Steward Report

10/12/2023  Group One  Shatin  Turf  A  2400m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 108-089  

JUNKO (J816): Slow to begin. Sent for sampling post-race. SENOR TOBA (G103): For some distance near the 550 Metres raced tight between FIVE G PATCH and ZEFFIRO which shifted to the outside of GERALDINA to improve. After the 350 Metres was steadied and shifted to the inside of LEBENSSTIL to obtain clear running. ZEFFIRO (J817): Briefly held up for clear running near the 400 Metres. Sent for sampling post-race. FIVE G PATCH (G286): When questioned regarding his riding and the reason his mount raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event, A Badel stated that his instructions were to hold an on-pace position, preferably with cover but he was instructed not to take his mount back in the early stages. He said after travelling a short distance he had expected WARM HEART to stride to the lead and cross LA CITY BLANCHE which would have allowed him to obtain a position one-off. He said when WARM HEART remained racing to the outside of LA CITY BLANCHE, he then contemplated taking a trailing position behind LEBENSSTIL but was unable to do so due to the slow early pace. He added whilst he contemplated making a forward move in the early stages, as WARM HEART was travelling better than his mount and FIVE G PATCH was not travelling strongly, he felt he would have had to make too much use of his mount to do so and in addition FIVE G PATCH is not a horse that would appreciate being ridden in this manner. LA CITY BLANCHE (G371): Near the 250 Metres JUNKO (M Guyon) shifted in, causing ZEFFIRO to be taken in and crowded the running of GERALDINA, resulting in GERALDINA (W Buick) then shifting in and away from that runner and crowding LA CITY BLANCHE which was checked. M Guyon was reprimanded and advised that he should stop riding and straighten his mounts sooner than he did on this occasion as they shift ground when not clear. W Buick was advised to exercise more care and to ensure that he makes sufficient effort to straighten his mounts when they shift ground. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. GERALDINA (H821): Jumped only fairly. Briefly crowded near the 250 Metres. LEBENSSTIL (J820): When questioned, J Moreira stated that LEBENSSTIL was able to obtain a favourable position behind WARM HEART in a slowly run event. He said from the 600 Metres LEBENSSTIL came under pressure when positioned behind WARM HEART and for this reason he elected to shift to the outside of WARM HEART to endeavour to have LEBENSSTIL improve into the race. He added that from that point LEBENSSTIL failed to respond to his riding, raced in a disappointing manner and he could offer no excuse for the horse’s poor performance. Trainer H Tanaka could offer no explanation for the disappointing performance of the horse. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Sent for sampling post-race. WARM HEART (J821): No report. WEST WIND BLOWS (J818): Withdrawn on 9.12.23 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (injury to left front leg).

10/12/2023  Shatin  Race 5 Steward Report

10/12/2023  Group One  Shatin  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 131-093  

LUCKY SWEYNESSE (G180): Near the 300 Metres was shifted to the outside of VICTOR THE WINNER to continue into clear running. Sent for sampling post-race. After the race, LUCKY SWEYNESSE was noted to be making a respiratory noise. An endoscopic examination conducted on LUCKY SWEYNESSE showed a substantial amount of blood in its trachea. Before being allowed to race again, LUCKY SWEYNESSE will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. WELLINGTON (D176): No report. MAD COOL (J803): No report. SIGHT SUCCESS (D375): After the race, B Avdulla stated that his mount jumped awkwardly and lost ground and then was disadvantaged by settling back in the field. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. VICTOR THE WINNER (G404): No report. AESOP'S FABLES (J804): After the race, R Moore reported that, in his opinion, AESOP’S FABLES would be better placed by being dropped back in distance to 1000 Metres for its next race start. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. DUKE WAI (C188): From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. JASPER KRONE (J805): No report. LUCKY WITH YOU (E356): From the 450 Metres was held up for clear running before shifting to the inside of HIGHFIELD PRINCESS at the 350 Metres to secure clear running. Sent for sampling post-race. HIGHFIELD PRINCESS (J806): Raced keenly when obliged to race wide and without cover for the majority of the event.

10/12/2023  Shatin  Race 6 Steward Report

10/12/2023  LT  Shatin  Turf  A  1800m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 078-059  

AWESOME FLUKE (J050): Hampered on jumping. ENSUED (H452): From the 400 Metres was held up behind CIRCUIT MIGHTY and near the 350 Metres was steadied when disappointed for clear running between CIRCUIT MIGHTY and ABSOLUTE SUNSHINE and did not obtain clear running until near the 300 Metres. Again near the 250 Metres was then held up behind SILVER KING when that runner commenced to give ground and did not obtain clear running until near the 200 Metres. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Sent for sampling post-race. SILVER KING (H420): Became unbalanced when bumped shortly after the start. After the race, J McDonald stated that after holding the lead, his mount came under pressure on the Home Turn and weakened noticeably in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of SILVER KING, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, SILVER KING will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. ENIGMA (J077): When giving ground near the 350 Metres became unbalanced when crowded between CIRCUIT MIGHTY and C P BRAVE which shifted in and away from AWESOME FLUKE despite the efforts of its rider. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SWEET ENCOUNTER (G426): No report. UNIVERSAL HORIZON (G360): Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SWAN BAY (H062): Hampered on jumping when crowded by SILVER KING. For some distance near the 1200 Metres raced tight to the inside of S J TOURBILLON (W Buick) which shifted in. W Buick was advised to exercise more care. ROMANTIC CHARM (H227): Passing the 400 Metres became held up behind ENIGMA as that runner commenced to give ground and did not obtain clear running until the 350 Metres. Sent for sampling post-race. BILLIONAIRE SECRET (G303): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. C P BRAVE (E306): Jumped awkwardly, shifted out and then was crowded by AWESOME FLUKE which was taken in by SWAN BAY. Sent for sampling post-race. S J TOURBILLON (G138): Jumped awkwardly and then from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. CIRCUIT MIGHTY (G078): Jumped awkwardly. ABSOLUTE SUNSHINE (H342): From the 250 Metres to the 200 Metres was held up inside SILVER KING when that runner was giving ground. NICHOLSON RETURNS (E452): No report. BIG RED (H299): Withdrawn on 9.12.23 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (left front ligament injury) and replaced by Standby Declared Starter ABSOLUTE SUNSHINE. Before being allowed to race again, BIG RED will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. DEVILDOM (H445): Withdrawn on 9.12.23 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame right fore) and replaced by Standby Declared Starter SWEET ENCOUNTER. Before being allowed to race again, DEVILDOM will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

10/12/2023  Shatin  Race 7 Steward Report

10/12/2023  Group One  Shatin  Turf  A  1600m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 131-105  

GOLDEN SIXTY (C238): Sent for sampling post-race. CALIFORNIA SPANGLE (E314): Near the 300 Metres was held up when unable to improve behind TRIBALIST. After the race, C Soumillon stated that his mount was not able to hold the lead as he had expected and was not suited by racing in behind other runners. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. DANON THE KID (H811): Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. SERIFOS (J807): Raced keenly in the early stages. SOUL RUSH (J808): Bumped at the start and became unbalanced. TRIBALIST (J809): Shortly after the start raced tight between NAMUR and GOLDEN SIXTY which shifted in slightly. BEAUTY ETERNAL (H008): Raced keenly in the early stages and near the 1000 Metres got its head up when being steadied away from VOYAGE BUBBLE. BEAUTY JOY (E058): Slow to begin. LIM'S KOSCIUSZKO (H803): Had some difficulty obtaining clear running near the 300 Metres. VOYAGE BUBBLE (E436): Sent for sampling post-race. ENCOUNTERED (G236): Held up on the Home Turn. CAIRO (J810): No report. NAMUR (J811): Bumped at the start and became unbalanced. DIVINA (J812): Slow to begin. Near the 1300 Metres was steadied to avoid GOLDEN SIXTY (C Y Ho) which shifted in. C Y Ho was advised to exercise more care. In this incident, DIVINA made contact with BEAUTY ETERNAL which shifted out slightly and became unbalanced.

10/12/2023  Shatin  Race 8 Steward Report

10/12/2023  Group One  Shatin  Turf  A  2000m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 130-093  

LUXEMBOURG (J813): R Moore reported that approaching the 150 Metres his mount shifted in towards HISHI IGUAZU and as a result he used the whip down the horse’s shoulder on one occasion to prevent it from shifting in further. R Moore was warned and advised that he must not use the whip in a similar manner in future. Sent for sampling post-race. ROMANTIC WARRIOR (E486): Raced keenly near the 1900 Metres when being steadied to allow MONEY CATCHER to cross. Sent for sampling post-race. PROGNOSIS (H820): Jumped only fairly. Near the 250 Metres was held up when endeavouring to improve into a doubtful run between SWORD POINT and LUXEMBOURG which shifted out slightly and did not obtain clear running until near the 150 Metres. ROUSHAM PARK (J814): Jumped only fairly and from the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. HISHI IGUAZU (G807): Near the 500 Metres became unbalanced when crowded between SWORD POINT and STRAIGHT ARRON which shifted to the outside of CHAMPION DRAGON to obtain clear running. MONEY CATCHER (G171): No report. STRAIGHT ARRON (G435): Near the 500 Metres was steadied away from CHAMPION DRAGON and shifted to that runner’s outside to improve. For some distance after the 300 Metres raced tight when improving into a narrow run between NIMBLE NIMBUS and HISHI IGUAZU which shifted in. Prior to the declaration of weighed-in, C Y Ho viewed the patrol films to ascertain if there were sufficient grounds to lodge a protest/objection against ROMANTIC WARRIOR following STRAIGHT ARRON being crowded and taken in near the 150 Metres when ROMANTIC WARRIOR (J McDonald) shifted in. When C Y Ho declined to lodge a protest/objection and the Stewards were satisfied that there were not sufficient grounds to do so, weighed-in was declared on the Judge’s numbers. At a subsequent inquiry, J McDonald was reprimanded and advised he must stop riding and straighten his mounts sooner than what he did on this occasion. SWORD POINT (G448): No report. NIMBLE NIMBUS (E249): No report. CHAMPION DRAGON (G070): Near the 500 Metres was steadied when crowded between ROMANTIC WARRIOR and NIMBLE NIMBUS (A Atzeni) which shifted to the outside of MONEY CATCHER to obtain clear running. A Atzeni was reprimanded. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. HORIZON DORE (J815): Jumped awkwardly, made contact with the right side of its barrier and lost ground. After the race, M Barzalona reported that the horse raced keenly during the running of the event and as a result was left without a finishing effort in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

10/12/2023  Shatin  Race 9 Steward Report

10/12/2023  LT  Shatin  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 076-061  

GALAXY PATCH (H399): Jumped only fairly. Near the 900 Metres, when racing keenly and tight to the inside of RAGING BLIZZARD, shifted in and away from RAGING BLIZZARD and was steadied to avoid MAJESTIC COLOUR. For some distance near the 300 Metres raced into a tight run between BEAUTY WAVES and CHAMPION METHOD and near the 250 Metres was taken out when awkwardly placed on the heels of BEAUTY WAVES. Sent for sampling post-race. MAJESTIC COLOUR (H124): Kicked by a lead pony on the way to the Start, examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race. ARMOUR EAGLE (G093): Jumped awkwardly and from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Near the 900 Metres was steadied away from HAPPY DAILY. From the 300 Metres to the 250 Metres was held up for clear running. Near the 200 Metres was hampered when taken out by JOLLY COMPANION. THE HEIR (H459): Approaching the 800 Metres was momentarily crowded by SWEET BRIAR which shifted in slightly. Sent for sampling post-race. BEAUTY WAVES (H294): No report. WINDICATOR FAMILY (H419): From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. CALIFORNIA TOUCH (J051): No report. LADY'S CHOICE (H155): When questioned regarding his riding, M Barzalona stated that his instructions from a wide barrier were to make use of LADY’S CHOICE to go forward and lead if possible. He said when caught wide in the early stages he continued to go forward to cross BEAUTY WAVES rather than being caught wide and whilst he was aware that the pace of the race was genuine, he felt his actions in continuing to improve into the lead were consistent with his instructions issued by Trainer C W Chang. Mr Chang confirmed the instructions issued. SWEET BRIAR (H044): Despite being ridden along in the early stages failed to show sufficient pace to hold a more forward position. JOLLY COMPANION (H454): Near the 250 Metres was checked and shifted to the outside of CHAMPION METHOD. THE GREAT MASTER (H457): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. HAPPY DAILY (E294): Jumped only fairly. CHAMPION METHOD (H366): Near the 250 Metres LADY’S CHOICE (M Barzalona) shifted out, resulting in BEAUTY WAVES being taken out. A short distance later, BEAUTY WAVES (Z Purton) then shifted out and away from LADY’S CHOICE, resulting in GALAXY PATCH, which was improving to the outside of BEAUTY WAVES, shifting out abruptly, causing CHAMPION METHOD to be checked. M Barzalona was severely reprimanded and advised that he must stop riding and straighten his mounts when they shift ground whilst not clear. Z Purton was advised to exercise more care and to make more effort to correct his mounts where circumstances permit. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. RAGING BLIZZARD (H368): Jumped awkwardly and lost ground. Sent for sampling post-race.

10/12/2023  Shatin  Race 10 Steward Report

10/12/2023  LV  Shatin  Turf  A  1400m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 103-083  

TELECOM FIGHTERS (D482): No report. CIRCUIT STELLAR (G076): Crowded shortly after the start. THE GOLDEN SCENERY (E379): Near the 400 Metres improved into a narrow run between ALACRITY and FANTASTIC TREASURE and had difficulty obtaining clear running until near the 300 Metres. Near the 250 Metres was momentarily crowded between ALACRITY and FANTASTIC TREASURE, both of which shifted ground. Near the 150 Metres was held up for clear running between SAUVESTRE and FANTASTIC TREASURE before shifting to the outside of FANTASTIC TREASURE after the 100 Metres to secure clear running. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SAUVESTRE (E315): A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. FANTASTIC TREASURE (E269): Raced keenly in the early and middle stages and near the 1200 Metres shifted out when being steadied away from BEAUTY LIVE. FLAMING RABBIT (H257): No report. HELIOS EXPRESS (H302): Bumped at the start. Near the 1200 Metres was steadied away from TAJ DRAGON when that runner shifted out. Over the concluding stages could not be ridden out to the finish when awkwardly placed to the outside of TAJ DRAGON which shifted out. Sent for sampling post-race. ATULLIBIGEAL (G173): Slow to begin. For a short distance near the 150 Metres had difficulty obtaining clear running to the outside of FLAMING RABBIT which shifted out. DANCING CODE (G365): Jumped awkwardly, shifted in and was bumped. Sent for sampling post-race. ALACRITY (H210): No report. BEAUTY LIVE (G057): Jumped only fairly. After being crossed by SAUVESTRE near the 1200 Metres commenced to race keenly and was shifted out to avoid the heels of that runner. TAJ DRAGON (H164): Bumped at the start. Hampered near the 1200 Metres when taken wider by FANTASTIC TREASURE. Raced keenly in the early and middle stages. Sent for sampling post-race. ELLIPTICAL (J052): Jumped awkwardly and then blundered shortly after the start when bumped by TAJ DRAGON.