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05/05/2021  Happy Valley  Race 1 Steward Report

05/05/2021  ST  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 060-042  

ZELUS began only fairly. BOOMING WELL shifted out at the start, resulting in LITTLE BIRD losing ground when crowded for room inside MASTER ALBERT. Despite being ridden along in the early stages, ORIENTAL AMIGO failed to muster speed and from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages to obtain a position closer to the rail. Near the 1150 Metres, NOBLE DESIRE was crowded for room inside COLONEL which got its head on the side and shifted in despite the efforts of its rider. Near the 1000 Metres, BOOMING WELL was steadied when awkwardly placed close to the heels of E HONEY. ORIENTAL AMIGO, which was racing outside BOOMING WELL, was inconvenienced in consequence. C Schofield (COLONEL) was found guilty of a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that passing the 1000 Metres he permitted his mount to shift in when not clear of HAPPY PROFIT, resulting in that horse being directed in onto MASTER ALBERT which was unnecessarily crowded for room and was checked and in turn shifted in and contributed to crowding to IMMENSE HEDGE to the inside of MASTER ALBERT. C Schofield was suspended from riding in races for a period to commence on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 and to expire on Monday, 31 May 2021 on which day he may resume race riding (2 Hong Kong racedays). In addition, Jockey Schofield was fined $30,000. LITTLE BIRD, which was following IMMENSE HEDGE, was steadied away from the heels of that horse passing the 900 Metres. The Stewards found that IMMENSE HEDGE had contributed to the interference suffered by that horse in that whilst IMMENSE HEDGE had received pressure on its outside from MASTER ALBERT, they were of the opinion that IMMENSE HEDGE had also made the turn awkwardly and shifted out. After the 1000 Metres, NOBLE DESIRE was left racing very wide and without cover and was allowed to improve its position approaching and passing the 800 Metres to race outside the lead after the 600 Metres. When being steadied after the 800 Metres to obtain cover behind MASTER ALBERT, E HONEY got its head up and proved difficult to settle. Near the 250 Metres, HAPPY PROFIT was momentarily awkwardly placed behind COLONEL after being disappointed for running between that horse and NOBLE DESIRE which shifted in. Passing the 200 Metres, HAPPY PROFIT then raced tight inside NOBLE DESIRE when improving into restricted room between that horse and COLONEL. When questioned, J Moreira stated that after the incident near the 950 Metres, IMMENSE HEDGE did not feel completely comfortable in its action. He said he placed IMMENSE HEDGE under heavy pressure after the 500 Metres and after failing to respond to his riding as anticipated, the horse’s action deteriorated in the early part of the Straight. He said because IMMENSE HEDGE did not feel comfortable in its action, he desisted in riding the horse aggressively and resorted to riding it mostly hands and heels, however, IMMENSE HEDGE gave ground noticeably over the concluding stages. A veterinary inspection of IMMENSE HEDGE immediately following the race found that horse to be lame in its left front leg and to be a "roarer” which had previously been reported. Before being allowed to race again, IMMENSE HEDGE will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection of E HONEY immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. E HONEY, NOBLE DESIRE and HAPPY PROFIT were sent for sampling.

05/05/2021  Happy Valley  Race 2 Steward Report

05/05/2021  LT  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1650m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 079-061  

On jumping, SMILING CITY (Apprentice C L Chau) was checked away from the heels of SURREALISM which shifted out abruptly. Apprentice Chau stated that irrespective of being hampered by SURREALISM at the start, it was intended for SMILING CITY to be shifted across behind runners in the early stages from the outside barrier to obtain a position with cover. After this, SURREALISM was shifted across behind runners from a wide barrier. SUNNY STAR shifted out at the start and brushed ROYAL BOMB. After travelling a short distance, TELECOM FIGHTERS shifted out and bumped GALLANT CROWN. Passing the 1000 Metres, SMILING CITY got its head on the side when racing keenly and shifted out towards the heels of GALLANT CROWN. Approaching the 800 Metres, GALLANT CROWN was bumped by FEARLESS FIRE which shifted out before being directed back in away from GALLANT CROWN. Near the 750 Metres, SMILING CITY got its head up when awkwardly placed behind FEARLESS FIRE. Passing the 200 Metres, ROYAL BOMB, which was commencing to give ground, momentarily raced tight inside the heels of SMOOTHIES which got its head on the side and lay in. Over the concluding stages, GALLANT CROWN shifted in towards the heels of SMOOTHIES, requiring its rider to correct his mount. Because of this, GALLANT CROWN was not able to be properly tested close to the finishing line. After the race, J Moreira stated that after being able to obtain a position in the early stages albeit with cover, ROYAL BOMB came under pressure rounding the Home Turn and after failing to quicken in the early part of the Straight then gave ground noticeably over the latter stages of the race. J Moreira was not able to offer any explanation for the disappointing performance of ROYAL BOMB. A veterinary inspection of ROYAL BOMB immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. M Chadwick (ETERNAL BEAUTY) stated that he attempted to obtain cover in the early stages behind the leaders, however, due to SMOOTHIES maintaining its position inside ETERNAL BEAUTY passing the winning post on the first occasion, he was unable to obtain cover behind ROYAL BOMB. He said passing the 1300 Metres ETERNAL BEAUTY was left racing wide and without cover. He said although the pace of the race at this stage was not strong, he was not able to improve his position forward of ROYAL BOMB as ETERNAL BEAUTY was not travelling well enough. He said he believed that he would have had to ride ETERNAL BEAUTY aggressively in an attempt to improve forward of ROYAL BOMB, however, given the manner in which his horse was travelling and the fact that ROYAL BOMB was appearing to travel strongly, he believed that ETERNAL BEAUTY would not have sufficient speed to be able to improve around that horse. He said therefore he elected to remain racing to the outside of ROYAL BOMB which resulted in ETERNAL BEAUTY racing wide and without cover throughout the race before coming under heavy pressure after the 600 Metres and giving ground thereafter. A veterinary inspection of FEARLESS FIRE and ETERNAL BEAUTY immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SUNNY STAR and SMOOTHIES were sent for sampling.

05/05/2021  Happy Valley  Race 3 Steward Report

05/05/2021  ST  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1000m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.71)   Rating: 060-040  

NOIR RIDER was withdrawn on 4.5.21 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame right fore) and was replaced by Standby Declared Starter CIRCUIT SEVEN (K Teetan). Before being allowed to race again, NOIR RIDER will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. K C Leung (GIVE WAY PLEASE) was fined the sum of $3,000 for initially weighing out with two girths which resulted in the saddle having to be returned to the Weighing Room and K C Leung having to re-weigh. At the time of declaration, H N Wong notified a probable overweight of 2 lbs in respect of BOND A STAR’s allocated weight of 113 lbs. H N Wong then weighed in an additional 1 lb overweight, resulting in H N Wong weighing in 3 lbs over the horse’s allocated weight. H N Wong was fined the sum of $7,500. CIRCUIT SEVEN, which was fractious in the barriers, began awkwardly and shifted out towards the heels of VERY SWEET ORANGE, resulting in CIRCUIT SEVEN losing ground. PRECIOUS SWEETIE shifted out at the start and bumped HAPPY GATHERING. SUPER COMMANDER shifted in at the start and brushed EVERYONE’S VICTORY which in turn shifted in, resulting in SUGAMO being bumped. After this, EVERYONE’S VICTORY was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. From the outside barrier, HAPPY TIME was also steadied in the early stages to obtain cover. After the 700 Metres, POWER PROFIT shifted in and bumped CIRCUIT SEVEN. CIRCUIT SEVEN and POWER PROFIT then raced tight which resulted in CIRCUIT SEVEN shifting out marginally passing the 650 Metres and bumping POWER PROFIT which in turn shifted out and bumped PRECIOUS SWEETIE. Then making the turn near the 550 Metres, POWER PROFIT got its head on the side and lay out, resulting in PRECIOUS SWEETIE being taken wider. HAPPY TIME, which was following POWER PROFIT, was steadied away from the heels of that horse passing the 500 Metres. BOND A STAR also made the turn near the 550 Metres awkwardly, shifted out and inconvenienced EVERYONE’S VICTORY. After this, BOND A STAR continued to lay out making the turns. M Chadwick (HAPPY GATHERING) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that passing the 450 Metres he directed his mount to the outside of GIVE WAY PLEASE which resulted in HAPPY GATHERING shifting out across the rightful running of POWER PROFIT when not clear of that horse, resulting in POWER PROFIT being checked. M Chadwick was suspended from riding in races for a period to commence on Wednesday, 12 May 2021 and to expire on Monday, 17 May 2021 on which day he may resume race riding (2 Hong Kong racedays). In addition, Jockey Chadwick was fined $50,000. When POWER PROFIT was checked, PRECIOUS SWEETIE, which was following, was steadied away from the heels of that horse in consequence. Near the 150 Metres, HAPPY TIME was shifted out away from the heels of VERY SWEET ORANGE to continue improving. A veterinary inspection of GIVE WAY PLEASE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. A veterinary inspection of PRECIOUS SWEETIE immediately following the race revealed that the horse was displaying an irregular heart rhythm and had bled from both nostrils. HARMONY FIRE and SUPER COMMANDER were sent for sampling. <6/5/2021 Additional Veterinary Reports>The Veterinary Surgeon reported that SUGAMO had sustained a left front tendon injury on the morning after racing. Before being allowed to race again, SUGAMO will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

05/05/2021  Happy Valley  Race 4 Steward Report

05/05/2021  ST  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.71)   Rating: 060-041  

BULLISH BROTHER began very awkwardly and then was bumped on the hindquarters by MOONLUCK which shifted out. After this, MOONLUCK was hampered by AMBITIOUS HEART which shifted out. MOONLUCK was then shifted across behind runners to obtain cover. STORMTROUPER got its head up on a number of occasions in the early stages when being steadied to obtain cover from a wide barrier. Then a short distance after the start, STORMTROUPER was bumped by BULLISH BROTHER which shifted out, resulting in STORMTROUPER bumping the hindquarters of PEAK TO PEAK. A short distance after the start, MELBOURNE HALL and RAGING BLAZE brushed. At the entrance to the Straight, AMBITIOUS HEART shifted out away from the heels of PEAK TO PEAK and bumped MOONLUCK. In the early part of the Straight, RAGING BLAZE lay in and proved reluctant to shift to the outside of WIN TECH. RAGING BLAZE was then shifted to the inside of WIN TECH approaching the 250 Metres and for some distance passing the 200 Metres raced tight inside that horse. Near the 250 Metres, AMBITIOUS HEART was shifted in away from the heels of PEAK TO PEAK. In the Straight, STORMTROUPER raced greenly and passing the 100 Metres, when commencing to close off the race strongly, shifted out towards the heels of INNO LEGEND. STORMTROUPER was then directed in away from the heels of INNO LEGEND and near the 50 Metres, after racing tight inside INNO LEGEND, shifted in abruptly away from that horse and bumped the hindquarters of WHISKEY NEAT which became unbalanced. STORMTROUPER then raced tight inside INNO LEGEND over the concluding stages. Because of these incidents, STORMTROUPER was not able to be properly tested. When questioned, M L Yeung (BULLISH BROTHER) stated that he was instructed to try and obtain a trailing position behind the leaders from barrier 9 in the early stages if possible. He said it was explained to him that BULLISH BROTHER’s most recent successes had been achieved when the horse had been able to obtain a trailing position with cover and it had not finished its races off when leading, therefore it was felt that it would be best to attempt to obtain a trailing position to provide BULLISH BROTHER with the opportunity to finish off its race tonight. He said after shifting across to a position closer to the rail approaching the 1000 Metres, BULLISH BROTHER was left racing wide and without cover and due to MELBOURNE HALL maintaining its position behind INNO LEGEND in the middle stages, this resulted in BULLISH BROTHER being left racing wide and without cover throughout. After the race, J Moreira stated that after beginning only fairly, PEAK TO PEAK, from a wide barrier, was required to race further back in the field than had been intended. He said when racing back in the field, PEAK TO PEAK appeared to lose interest in the race and was not able to put itself in a competitive position at any stage of the race. A veterinary inspection of PEAK TO PEAK immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. FORTUNE HERO and AMBITIOUS HEART were sent for sampling.

05/05/2021  Happy Valley  Race 5 Steward Report

05/05/2021  ST  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.71)   Rating: 058-040  

ACA POWER and STEEL WIN were hampered on jumping between SHOWINA (B Shinn) which began awkwardly and shifted in and DEMONS ROCK which shifted out of its own accord before being taken out further by WINNING DELAGO which in turn shifted out after initially being bumped by WON BALL. In this incident, ACA POWER, STEEL WIN and SHOWINA were all hampered. B Shinn explained that it was intended for SHOWINA to be ridden in a forward position as it was at its most recent start when successful. He said however that after being hampered at the start, this resulted in SHOWINA not being able to show sufficient early speed to be able to take up a forward position as he was of the opinion that had he have ridden SHOWINA along to improve its position, SHOWINA would have been left racing outside STEEL WIN which was being aggressively ridden to the inside of SHOWINA. He said rather than be left racing wide, he elected to obtain a trailing position behind STEEL WIN passing the 1000 Metres. He said irrespective of the incident at the start, he was of the opinion that the pace of the race in the early stages tonight was quicker than it was at its last start when the horse was able to work its way into a forward position in the early stages. EXUBERANT shifted out abruptly despite the efforts of its rider shortly after the start, resulting in VIGOR CHAMP being hampered. From a wide barrier, SHINING ON was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Approaching the 600 Metres, EXUBERANT, which was awkwardly placed close to the heels of STEEL WIN, raced tight inside SHOWINA which shifted in. Passing the 300 Metres, WON BALL raced tight inside the heels of WINNING DELAGO which got its head on the side and lay in. SHINING ON had difficulty obtaining clear running after the 300 Metres and passing the 200 Metres was directed to the inside of VIGOR CHAMP after being disappointed for running between that horse and SHOWINA. Near the 150 Metres, EXUBERANT lay in and inconvenienced WINNING DELAGO. The Stewards opened an inquiry into V Borges’ riding of CHAMPION PRIDE rounding the Home Turn and in the Straight. V Borges stated that he was instructed, from the outside barrier, to shift CHAMPION PRIDE across behind runners in the early stages and obtain a position close to the rail. He said he was not given any further instructions on how to ride CHAMPION PRIDE. He said after shifting across behind runners in the early stages to obtain a position at the rear of the field, CHAMPION PRIDE travelled well in the early and middle stages. He said passing the 400 Metres he was following DEMONS ROCK and elected to obtain runs inside that horse after the 400 Metres when DEMONS ROCK shifted to the outside of SHOWINA, taking ACA POWER, which was racing to the outside of DEMONS ROCK, wider. He said he was of the opinion that had he have shifted CHAMPION PRIDE to the outside of ACA POWER, this would have resulted in CHAMPION PRIDE being taken very wide and covering unnecessary ground. He said he therefore elected to improve to the inside of DEMONS ROCK which he was able to do rounding the Home Turn and in the early part of the Straight. He said passing the 300 Metres DEMONS ROCK continued to shift out and as SHINING ON was shifting out to his inside to improve inside SHOWINA, he directed CHAMPION PRIDE to the outside of SHOWINA and commenced to improve between that horse and DEMONS ROCK. He said when he did this it was his intention to improve into tight running which he felt was available between SHOWINA and STEEL WIN. He said as he shifted to the outside of SHOWINA, STEEL WIN shifted in, resulting in the run between that horse and SHOWINA no longer being available. He said he therefore commenced to shift to the outside of STEEL WIN with a view to obtaining any run which may become available between that horse and DEMONS ROCK. He said at the 200 Metres CHAMPION PRIDE was travelling very strongly and as the horse was racing well inside the heels of DEMONS ROCK, he did not believe it was available to check CHAMPION PRIDE and commence to shift to the outside as this would have resulted in CHAMPION PRIDE losing a significant amount of ground. He said he remained racing behind STEEL WIN and passing the 200 Metres commenced to shift to the outside of DEMONS ROCK. He said however at this stage CHAMPION PRIDE was still racing inside the heels of ACA POWER which was positioned slightly behind DEMONS ROCK and once again he felt that to shift to the outside of ACA POWER, given that CHAMPION PRIDE was continuing to travel strongly, would have resulted in him having to check CHAMPION PRIDE and lose ground. He said he therefore elected to continue to follow DEMONS ROCK and then shift to the inside of that horse approaching the 100 Metres as STEEL WIN commenced to give ground. He said after improving into tight running inside DEMONS ROCK, he then shifted in further as he attempted to find clear running, however, CHAMPION PRIDE was not able to secure clear running and therefore was not able to be properly tested. Mr D E Ferraris, trainer of CHAMPION PRIDE, confirmed that he had instructed Jockey Borges to shift across from the outside barrier to obtain cover and he felt that this would result in the horse being positioned towards the rear of the field. He said he was of the opinion that whilst CHAMPION PRIDE had been able to take up a more forward position in some of its races, he felt that from the outside barrier were CHAMPION PRIDE to be ridden to obtain a forward position, this may result in the horse having to do too much work and possibly being left racing wide and without cover. He said he therefore formed the view that CHAMPION PRIDE’s best opportunity to finish off the race were for the horse to switch off in the early stages. He said he was satisfied with Jockey Borges’ decisions in respect of CHAMPION PRIDE rounding the Home Turn and in the early part of the Straight, however, would have preferred for CHAMPION PRIDE to be shifted to the outside of ACA POWER to obtain clear running passing the 200 Metres. The Stewards adjourned the matter until a date to be fixed to allow them the opportunity to consider the evidence. A veterinary inspection of CHAMPION PRIDE immediately following the race including an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse's trachea. Before being allowed to race again, CHAMPION PRIDE will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection of SHOWINA immediately following the race found that horse to have bled from both nostrils. A veterinary inspection of STEEL WIN and DAY DAY RICH immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. EXUBERANT and WINNING DELAGO were sent for sampling. <6/5/2021 Additional Veterinary Reports>SHOWINA, which performed poorly, was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said at that time the horse had bled from both nostrils. SHOWINA was again examined by the Veterinary Officer at the stables of Trainer D A Hayes this morning. He said at this time he noted the horse to be lame in its left front leg. Before being allowed to race again, SHOWINA will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. After the race, CHAMPION PRIDE was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said at that time an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in its trachea. CHAMPION PRIDE was again examined by the Veterinary Officer at the stables of Trainer D E Ferraris this morning. He said at this time he noted the horse to have sustained a right front tendon injury. As previously advised, CHAMPION PRIDE will be subjected to an official veterinary examination before being allowed to race again.

05/05/2021  Happy Valley  Race 6 Steward Report

05/05/2021  ST  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1650m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.71)   Rating: 060-043  

On arrival at the Start, A Badel expressed concern regarding the action of JOLLY HONOUR. JOLLY HONOUR was examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race. LIGHT MY DAY shifted in at the start and inconvenienced ROYAL RACER. VICTORIOUS SEEKER began only fairly and then was bumped by RAINBOW LIGHT which got its head on the side and shifted out. VICTORIOUS SEEKER was then taken out onto SUPERB DADDY which was crowded for room inside REGENCY MASTER. After this, VICTORIOUS SEEKER, SUPERB DADDY and REGENCY MASTER were all shifted across behind runners to obtain cover. BULLETPROOF began very awkwardly and then from the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners to obtain a position closer to the rail. After travelling a short distance, TOTAL POWER shifted out and inconvenienced RAINBOW LIGHT. Approaching the winning post on the first occasion, RAINBOW LIGHT was very awkwardly placed close to the heels of ROYAL RACER when being steadied in an attempt to obtain cover behind that horse. Passing the winning post on the first occasion, JOLLY HONOUR and TOTAL POWER bumped. After the 1000 Metres, RAINBOW LIGHT was left racing wide and without cover. After the race, K Teetan attributed RAINBOW LIGHT’s failure to close off the race to the fact that it had been left racing wide and without cover in the middle stages. Passing the 200 Metres, BULLETPROOF and SUPERB DADDY raced tight as SUPERB DADDY improved into tight running between BULLETPROOF and STAY CHILL which was commencing to give ground. Passing the 150 Metres, BULLETPROOF raced tight outside SUPERB DADDY which shifted out. SUPER HONG KONG, which was racing to the outside of BULLETPROOF, was inconvenienced at this stage. Approaching the 100 Metres, VICTORIOUS SEEKER and ROYAL RACER brushed. Over the concluding stages, SUPER HONG KONG was steadied when awkwardly placed close to the heels of RAINBOW LIGHT after racing tight inside ROYAL RACER which was taken in by VICTORIOUS SEEKER. Close to the finishing line, RAINBOW LIGHT raced tight outside the hindquarters of SUPERB DADDY. A veterinary inspection of ROYAL RACER, BULLETPROOF and SUPER HONG KONG immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. ROYAL RACER, TOTAL POWER and JOLLY HONOUR were sent for sampling.

05/05/2021  Happy Valley  Race 7 Steward Report

05/05/2021  LT  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.71)   Rating: 077-061  

On arrival at the Start, the tongue tie applied to WOOD ON FIRE was replaced. MCLUCKY and STANLEY PARK bumped at the start. WOOD ON FIRE shifted out at the start and inconvenienced ISLAND SHINE which in turn shifted out and bumped PING HAI GALAXY which on jumping lifted its front feet off the ground and began awkwardly. STRIVE FOR GLORY began awkwardly and from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. FORTE was steadied in the early stages to obtain cover. DANCING FIGHTER travelled keenly passing the 1100 Metres when being steadied in an attempt to obtain cover. DANCING FIGHTER continued to travel keenly and after the 1000 Metres was allowed to improve its position into the lead near the 800 Metres. Passing the 1000 Metres, KAI XIN DRAGON got its head up when travelling keenly and being steadied to obtain cover behind PING HAI GALAXY. Making the turn after the 1000 Metres, FORTE commenced to travel keenly. After the 900 Metres, FORTE got its head on the side and lay in. Passing the 850 Metres, KAI XIN DRAGON again got its head up on a number of occasions when continuing to prove very difficult to settle. Close to the finishing line, FORTE was awkwardly placed inside the heels of WOOD ON FIRE and consequently was not able to be properly tested all the way to the end of the race. For the majority of the race, KAI XIN DRAGON travelled wide and without cover. A veterinary inspection of DANCING FIGHTER and ISLAND SHINE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. MCLUCKY and STOCK LEGEND were sent for sampling.

05/05/2021  Happy Valley  Race 8 Steward Report

05/05/2021  LT  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.71)   Rating: 079-062  

FIGHTING STAR began only fairly. KINDA COOL shifted in at the start and bumped HAPPY GOOD GUYS which in turn shifted in and bumped the hindquarters of WINSTON’S LAD which became unbalanced. BEAUTY AMIGO shifted out at the start and bumped CAPITAL STAR. CASIMIRO was steadied in the early stages to obtain cover. Passing the 300 Metres, WINE AND WINE was awkwardly placed inside the heels of CAPITAL STAR which shifted in. WINSTON’S LAD, which was improving to the inside of WINE AND WINE, was crowded for room in this incident. After this, WINE AND WINE (R Maia) shifted out marginally before getting its head on the side and shifting in away from CAPITAL STAR which resulted in WINSTON’S LAD being crowded for room and being steadied passing the 150 Metres. R Maia was severely reprimanded and told that whilst the Stewards were of the opinion that there were some circumstances to this incident, nonetheless he should have done more than he did on this occasion to prevent WINE AND WINE from shifting in which resulted in WINSTON’S LAD being hampered. After being hampered, WINSTON’S LAD was directed to the outside of WINE AND WINE at the same time TRANSCENDENT was being directed to the inside of CAPITAL STAR which was giving ground. TRANSCENDENT was then checked passing the 100 Metres when unable to improve between CAPITAL STAR which continued to give ground and WINSTON’S LAD (M L Yeung) which shifted out. In this incident, TRANSCENDENT stumbled badly and shifted in, resulting in CASIMIRO being checked. The Stewards formed the view that TRANSCENDENT was being shifted to the inside of CAPITAL STAR at precisely the same time that WINSTON’S LAD was being directed to the outside of WINE AND WINE. As they were of the opinion that TRANSCENDENT had not properly established running between CAPITAL STAR and WINSTON’S LAD and that at the time that WINSTON’S LAD commenced to shift out, that horse was sufficiently clear of TRANSCENDENT, no further action was action, however, M L Yeung was advised to exercise more care when shifting ground to ensure that his movements do not result in interference to other runners. After the race, H N Wong reported that HAPPY GOOD GUYS was making an abnormal breathing noise throughout the race. A veterinary inspection of HAPPY GOOD GUYS immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. <6/5/2021 Additional Veterinary Reports>CAPITAL STAR, which performed poorly, was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said at that time there were no significant findings. CAPITAL STAR was again examined by the Veterinary Officer at the stables of Trainer C Fownes this morning. He said at this time he noted the horse to be lame in its left front leg. As previously advised, CAPITAL STAR will be subjected to an official veterinary examination before being allowed to race again. After the race, Apprentice K H Chan stated that CAPITAL STAR stumbled on entering the track which he notified the Veterinary Officer of on arrival at the Start. He said after being examined by the Veterinary Officer CAPITAL STAR was found to be suitable to race and he was similarly satisfied to ride CAPITAL STAR. He said whilst he had to make some use of CAPITAL STAR in the early stages to cross runners to his inside, he believed that he was able to shift across to race outside HARMONY N BLESSED after the 900 Metres without having to make too much use of the horse. He said CAPITAL STAR travelled only fairly in the middle stages and came under pressure prior to the 400 Metres. He said, despite being ridden along rounding the Home Turn and in the early part of the Straight, CAPITAL STAR did not respond to his riding and gave ground noticeably over the final 200 Metres. A veterinary inspection of CAPITAL STAR immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Before being allowed to race again, CAPITAL STAR will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection of TRANSCENDENT immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. MAJESTIC STAR and KINDA COOL were sent for sampling.

05/05/2021  Happy Valley  Race 9 Steward Report

05/05/2021  LV  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD TO FIRM  (2.71)   Rating: 099-080  

HANDSOME BO BO shifted out at the start and brushed IGNITING and then shifted in and inconvenienced SILVER FIG which began only fairly. From wide barriers, GUY DRAGON and WIND N GRASS were steadied shortly after the start to obtain cover. Despite being vigorously ridden in the early stages, SNAP FIT failed to muster speed and near the 1150 Metres became unbalanced when crowded for room between HONG KONG BET and INVINCIBLE MISSILE which shifted out marginally before being bumped on the hindquarters by SNAP FIT and then shifting out further. Near the 1100 Metres, INVINCIBLE MISSILE was momentarily awkwardly placed outside the heels of LOBO’S LEGEND. Passing the 150 Metres, HONG KONG BET got its head on the side and lay in under pressure, requiring its rider to correct his mount. Throughout the race, WILL POWER travelled wide and without cover. After the race, A Hamelin stated that SILVER FIG’s action deteriorated rounding the Home Turn and in the early part of the Straight. He said because of this he did not ride SILVER FIG out over the concluding stages as the horse was already beaten. A veterinary inspection of SILVER FIG immediately following the race including an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse's trachea. Before being allowed to race again, SILVER FIG will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection of WILL POWER, LOBO’S LEGEND and GUY DRAGON immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. HANDSOME BO BO and IGNITING were sent for sampling.