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29/12/2021  Shatin  Race 1

  TAI WAI HANDICAP  Class 5  Shatin  All Weather Track    1200m  Rating: 040 - 024   Going: GOOD 
No Horse Color Brand No Draw Trainer Jockey Weight Rating Gear Last 6 Runs Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating
1 LUCKY TREASURE ↓ E012 6 K H Ting M L Yeung 132+15 39-3 H/TT x x x x x
2 SHANGHAI POWER + D097 9 Y S Tsui K H Chan(-5) 131+0 38 B 2 7 x 1 1 3
3 BLAZING BEAT D342 7 C W Chang H N Wong(-3) 129-4 36-4 B/SR1 x 9 x 8 5 7
4 FANTASTIC FABIO + V364 4 C H Yip K C Leung 129-3 36-2 x x 4 7 8 x
5 GALLANT CAVALIER E238 1 A T Millard L Ferraris 127-5 34-4 B/TT x x x x x 5
6 GENERAL TRUMP + B394 3 T P Yung K Teetan 127+0 34 B/TT x 2 3 4 4 8
7 RUN RUN GOOD + D310 5 K L Man J Moreira 127+0 34 B/TT 2 2 x 9 8 x
8 VIVA MAMA D408 11 R Gibson H T Mo(-2) 126-1 33-1 CP/TT 5 5 2 x 3 1
9 RAGING BLAZE E258 2 J Size V Borges 122-2 29-2 P2/TT 5 9 x x x 9
10 THE ELITES D330 8 F C Lor H Bentley 121+0 28 TT 8 1 2 x x x
11 WINNING STRIKES + D104 10 P O'Sullivan M Chadwick 119-5 26-5 B x 4 7 5 8
12 E HONEY E088 12 C Fownes M F Poon(-2) 117-3 24-3 H-/XB- x 5 9 x 5 6
R1 ZACIAN E078 C S Shum --- 131+1 38+1 2 3 2 3 6 5
R2 TRONIC MIGHTY ↓ E210 D A Hayes --- 133+17 40-3 B/XB x 9 x x x 4

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user