DRAGON BOY was slow to begin. DANEPRINT, TRIUMPHANT GLORY and CELESTIAL WONDER began awkwardly and lost ground. Near the 1300 Metres, KING OF FISH was steadied away from the heels of SPEED OF LIGHT which shifted out when being steadied away from the heels of BAUHINIA (M W Leung) which shifted in when not properly clear. M W Leung was reprimanded and told to exercise greater care. Near the 1200 Metres, KING OF FISH when shifted out to improve its position got its head on the side and hung out. Approaching and rounding the Home Turn, KINGSTON TEMPLE was held up and unable to improve, then in the Straight hung in and near the 100 Metres raced tight with TRIUMPHANT GLORY. For the major part of the race, CELESTIAL WONDER travelled wide and without cover. FORTUNE GALLOP, KING OF FISH and SIMPLY THE BEST were sent for sampling.
+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating - Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track - Placed in wet track - Won in Soft or Heavy Track - Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change - Work Hardly - Only available for Professional Plan user